Facial skin problems that appear due to a smartphone

How can a smartphone harm your skin and beauty?

It turns out that a smartphone can spoil the beauty of your skin. Few people imagine life without a smartphone, only cosmetologists do not share an excessive passion for gadgets.

Skin problems with constant smartphone use

1. Acne

Those with naturally oily skin are more prone to acne. A lot of microbes accumulate on the surface of the phone, which penetrate the skin, especially if you like to talk for a long time. Use antibacterial wipes to wipe the smartphone screen.

2. Hanging cheeks

Problems arise for those who use the phone for a long time with their heads tilted down. The skin quickly "slides" down and in addition, you harm your back. Keep your gadget at eye level.

3. Second chin

If you like to use your smartphone while lying in bed, then the appearance of a double chin is guaranteed to you. To avoid this problem, place a pillow under your back.

4. Wrinkles between the eyebrows and crow's feet

Looking at information on the Internet, we get carried away and do not notice that we are lingering in one position for several minutes and squinting.

5. Purse wrinkles

The people are wrinkles called senile. They appear if you use a smartphone and at the same time support your cheek with your hand. Be careful not to forget to use your smartphone correctly. Read also: don't do this, 6 eye care mistakes.


the beauty
