Effective home peeling: against enlarged pores and wrinkles

Peeling with lactic acid.

This home peeling is a worthy alternative to expensive salon procedures. Peeling with lactic acid helps to achieve a quick result - eliminates enlarged pores, wrinkles, age spots and freckles.

Home peeling from a pharmacy remedy

The basis of all the compositions presented below is the inexpensive pharmacy "Hilak Forte". It is used to restore intestinal microflora and contains a relatively high% of lactic acid - this is the active substance and will perform peeling. It is important that this procedure is indicated even for women with dry and sensitive skin.

How often do you peel?

Cosmetologists advise to perform peeling with lactic acid 1 time in 10 days. If the skin is dry or sensitive, then once a month.

Recall that before peeling, you should cleanse your face, then steam it, and finish the preparatory process by applying an antibacterial solution - just wipe the skin. The peeling on the skin is kept for 15-20 minutes, then the face is rinsed with plain water, the procedure is completed with a moisturizing cream. The skin becomes soft, smooth and firm.

From age spots

  • 30 ml of regular kefir,
  • 10 drops of "Hilak Forte".

Against age-related changes, wrinkles

  • 30 ml anti-aging cream,
  • 10 drops of "Hilak Forte".

For firming sagging skin

  • 30 ml moisturizer
  • 10 drops of "Hilak Forte".

Against acne and post-acne

  • Mix 1: 1 - 20 ml of pure water
  • 20 drops of "Hilak Forte".

You probably know that any procedure has its own contraindications - inflammatory processes, open wounds. Read on the topic: pamper yourself, budget peels at home.


the beauty
