Rushing to the Rescue: Homemade Express Facial Masks

Instantly brighten, soothe and moisturize the skin!

Every woman dreams of being the most beautiful, but for this you need to carefully monitor yourself and the condition of your skin. In order for the skin to look great all the time, it is necessary to make various masks. One of these wonderful express masks is the cottage cheese mask. Curd contains a large amount of protein, lipids and calcium, which is why it is very beneficial for the skin. Why is the mask made from this product useful?


  • Cottage cheese perfectly moisturizes the skin, because it is rich in potassium and calcium.
  • Slows down aging.
  • Thanks to vitamins B2 and PP, the complexion will improve and the skin will be well protected from various natural factors. Also, the face will acquire a healthy color, age spots will become lighter. But no matter how useful this mask is, it has contraindications.


  • 1. Allergy is possible. To check the occurrence of an allergic reaction, apply the mask to your wrist before use, if itching does not appear and the skin does not redden, then you can safely use it for cosmetic purposes.
  • 2. If there are open wounds on the face, then such a mask should be discarded, it can provoke an infection.
  • 3. If there are seams, then you should also wait with the mask.
  • 4. But for oily skin it is necessary to use fat-free cottage cheese.

Several homemade express recipes for facial skin based on cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese masks

Anti-wrinkle mask

You will need: cottage cheese (1 tbsp. L.), Olive oil (1 tsp.), Honey (1 tsp.), All this must be mixed and very gently applied to the skin. This mask will do a great job with the first dynamic wrinkles.

Mask for dry skin

You will need: avocado (half), cottage cheese (25 gr.), Beat these two ingredients in a blender and apply on your face. If you want to get rid of freckles and unpleasant spots, then you need to mix in equal proportions lemon juice, cottage cheese and any vegetable oil.

Mask for oily skin

You will need: medium-sized boiled potatoes (1), cottage cheese (20 grams), butter (a small piece), potatoes, mix with butter and cottage cheese. This mask will help tighten pores and dry out your skin.

Exfoliating mask

You will need: rolled oats (1 tablespoon), cottage cheese (20 grams), kefir (20 ml). Grind the hercules to powder. Mix all the ingredients and apply to the skin and massage, after twenty minutes the mask is absorbed, after which it can be washed off with water. As a result, your skin is refreshed, supple and hydrated. All ingenious is simple!


the beauty
