Five beauty recipes with lemon: perfect care formulas

5 indispensable masks for those who like to always look fresh.

Lemon is a unique fruit that is a real "first aid" for the body due to its rich content of vitamins, micro and macro elements. However, it is especially valuable due to the presence of citric acid, which has unique properties and has an antioxidant effect.

Lemon beauty recipes

With the help of lemon, you can not only heal the body, but also make the skin of the face and body, hair beautiful, remove wrinkles and age spots. Five beauty recipes using lemon will help make your dreams come true.

Cleansing the body with lemon infusion

Cut one lemon into four parts, put in a three-liter jar. Pour boiling water over carefully. Leave it overnight. Drink the first glass on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals. The rest of the lemon water - during the day. As a result, digestion improves, the liver heals, and metabolism improves.

Face lotion

Citric acid has a peeling effect, so women with thin, sensitive skin should be careful when using lemon lotions so as not to harm the skin.

To soften the hardened parts of the body (elbows, knees) and face, mix equal proportions of olive oil and honey, adding a little lemon juice. It is enough to apply the lotion on the face for 10-12 minutes. Avoid eye contour.

Lemon ice for age spots

Dilute a teaspoon of lemon juice in 200 gr. boiled water, freeze in tins. Use to wipe age spots and freckles three times a week. This is a fairly long-term but effective remedy.

Lemon hair rinse

To rinse your hair, dilute a tablespoon of lemon juice with a few drops of essential oil in a liter of water. Perfectly replaces balsams, preserving the color of dyed hair, reducing increased greasiness and leaves a pleasant scent.

Dandruff, a mask of 1 tsp will help you. olive oil with 1 tsp. lemon juice. Massage onto scalp and leave overnight. Rinse off the mask with shampoo in the morning.

Teeth whitening with lemon

If you mix a drop of lemon juice with toothpaste twice a week while brushing your teeth, you get a whitening effect.

Using lemon for body care is not difficult, and the effect is much higher than that of many expensive cosmetics. Be beautiful!


the beauty
