Essentiale in ampoules against hair loss: mask recipe

An effective mask with Essentiale and it really works!

It is not only love that makes a woman irresistible, but also beautiful thick hair. Therefore, we are absolutely sure that there is no ugly hair - it all depends on proper care and love for oneself. To make the hairstyle pleasing with volume, the hair grows well, is thicker and shiny we suggest doing a course of masks with Essentiale. Check, hair grows by leaps and bounds!

Hair mask with Essentiale in ampoules

Essentiale prevents hair loss, strengthens hair roots

This uncomplicated mask perfectly eliminates many problems of fine hair and fights hair loss. Essentiale N ampoules are available at the pharmacy. This injectable balanced fortified solution is used to restore damaged liver tissue. However, Essentiale is also used for hair when there is a need to strengthen the roots, for example, in case of severe hair loss. One package of Essentiale (5 ampoules) is enough for one course for long or short hair.


Since the preparation consists of fat-soluble vitamins, the Essentiale-based home mask is prepared using fatty products, which will ensure the penetration and complete absorption of the preparation by the hair roots. The composition of the mask is applied to clean hair roots, it is better immediately after washing them. Leave to act for one hour. Then the hair is rinsed with shampoo and warm water. Dried in the usual way.

Mask composition

  • The yolk of one egg,
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fat sour cream,
  • half of the Essentiale ampoule.
  • Dimexide 1 tbsp. spoon - recommended if there is a desire to enhance the penetration of Essentiale.


Be sure to discuss your hair condition with your doctor and hair stylist. If you are allergic or take any medications, it is possible that the mask will be contraindicated for you.


For a more effective result, the mask should be done once a week for the first five weeks. As you can see, you don't need to apply this mask every day. If desired, the course can be repeated after 6 months. The mask is designed for different types of hair, strengthens, promotes the growth of new hair. This effective mask will help save your hair in a short period, it really works! Be irresistible.


the beauty
