Common misconceptions about hair care cosmetics

Five misconceptions about hair care.

Hair care is a daily concern of every girl, without observing which it would be a shame to leave the house. However, today to figure out what is harmful and what is useful is becoming an occupation that causes many contradictions and questions. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the most common misconceptions.

Myth one: daily shampooing negatively affects her condition.

The frequency of shampooing procedures is a purely individual figure and depends on such factors as hair type, scalp health. This myth is partly an outlived one of the past, because modern skin care products have a wider range and, depending on their type, can be adapted for daily use.

Five myths about hair care cosmetics

It is known that the most natural and harmless air conditioner it is the sebum formed by the scalp, however, in addition to its miraculous qualities, it has several unpleasant features, such as a repulsive odor, the formation of pathogenic bacteria and giving the hair an extremely unkempt appearance. Thus, the daily "headwash" is not a prohibited procedure, and girls with excessive release of fat from the skin are extremely necessary.

Myth two: conditioner can completely replace shampoo.

The essential difference between the conditioner and the shampoo lies precisely in the absence of cleansing components. It is recommended to treat with a conditioner, after washing, only hair with a disturbed texture and severely damaged. Otherwise, the flow of oxygen to the hair follicles is blocked by sebum, which provokes their abundant loss.

Myth three: products containing silicone in their composition are harmful

Myths and misconceptions about hair care

In fact, advertising for silicone-free products is just a marketing ploy and nothing more. Thanks to laboratory studies, we can safely say that silicone is not concentrated in the hair in any way, and is not the cause of their weight, which, by the way, cannot be said about oils.

Myth four: conditioner and shampoo from different brands are incompatible.

Comprehensive hair care is an important thing, but its ingredients may come from various cosmetic companies. The main thing to look out for is the composition. For example, oily hair is not suitable for products containing oils.

Myth 5: anti-dandruff shampoo works

Dandruff is not only a visual problem, it needs to be treated rather than wasted on various remedies. Shampoo will only temporarily relieve symptoms, but will not permanently eliminate dandruff, relapse is inevitable. If you have a problem like dandruff, see your trichologist for professional help.

Anti-dandruff shampoo

It should always be remembered that the selection of products and care is a purely individual process, in which it is necessary to be guided not by promising advertising and beautiful packaging, but by our own experience. We recommend: dreaming of shiny hair? Hair polishing procedure will make your wish come true.


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