Hair polishing procedure: who suits, how they do it

Hair is smooth, shiny and fluff free.

In this article, we will tell you about a procedure known among hairdressers-stylists, which is used by hundreds of girls who want to restore the structure of their hair. Widely used in beauty salons by masters, the technology of polishing your hair makes your hair verysmooth.

Hair after hair polishing procedure

Who is the hair polishing procedure suitable for?

  • Those who cannot grow their hair in any way;
  • hair gets tangled and are pushing;
  • hair is voluminous and does not fit well.
  • Or, in summer, the hair becomes dry after exposure to UV rays.
  • In winter, you went without a headdress, your hair has lost its elasticity, the structure of the hair has changed.
  • In the spring, when you want to be beautiful again.
  • You have split ends from ironing, frequent dyeing and long-term stress.
  • Or the hair has simply lost its luster.

How is the hair polishing procedure performed?

  • Polishing is the procedure for smoothing hair using a machine with a special attachment, which trims the hair. Thanks to it, you can remove protruding hairs and give smoothness to your hairstyle.

Typewriter attachment

  • The technology, as already mentioned, is used in beauty salons and requires a masterful approach to performing the procedure itself. Before trimming your hair, it must be washed and then combed and dried.
  • Styling and cleanliness is the first and basic rule of hair prepared for polishing. With a thicker comb, pull out one strand and place it in a grinder. For the highest quality effect, pass through the fixed part of the hair at least five times.

How is the hair polishing procedure performed?

  • But, mind you, you cannot use balms before going to the salon! The most important thing here is the golden hands of the master, since a professionally "stuffed" hand is important. With a typewriter, you can accidentally remove those hairs that should not have been shortened.
  • So, for example, performing this procedure at home, you risk more, being less experienced. After cutting, the hair is washed again, the hair is styled and a nourishing mask is applied, according to the best recipes from professionals.
  • For example, vitamin A (retinol acetate) is beneficial in maintaining the elasticity of the hair, vitamin E helps in the absorption of other vitamins by the body, and also makes both hair and nails healthy. Feel free to use vitamins of group B in hair masks. And the hair will begin to grow faster and the tail will become thicker.

Buffing quickly eliminates the problem of frizz and brittle ends without harming the length, evens out the strands of hair, restoring their strength. The effect lasts 3 months.

Hair after hair treatment

For whom is this procedure recommended?

For owners of both long and thick, and rare, and thinas well as curly hair. In the salon, you can spend about 2 hours of time, and the preservation of the effect will depend on you. Remember that also the shine and groomedness of your hair depends on how regularly and how often you take care of the health of your hair after visiting the salon.

How to prolong the effect after the hair polishing procedure

To prolong the polishing effect, the experts advise on special hair care. Firstly, it is important to use oil masks with the presence of vitamins that help restore the hair structure. These are vitamins B 12 and A and E, - they are in the composition of solutions that are applied to the roots. Secondly, you need to use the balm regularly after each wash, and the hair mask every two weeks. Wear a hat in winter. Then your curls will always be gorgeous and shiny!


the beauty
