Thermal cut: about the procedure for hair care "hot scissors"

For mega fast hair growth!

Have you ever heard of a haircut with hot scissors? If the answer is no, then a new method of cutting and hair care should be presented under such a procedure. In our country, a thermal cut became known about six years ago. At that time, specialized beauty salons had just begun to offer a thermal cut service.

During the haircut, which we just mentioned, only the canvas is heated in special professional tools. The rest of the surface of the special thermal shears will have an additional protective coating in the form of a plastic body. In the inner part of the cutter there is a small cable that has a connection to a computer and to a standard control panel.

Who benefits from a hot scissor haircut?

As stylists assure, a thermal cut will primarily be useful to those women who quite often complain about cutting ends. Called a thermal cut, this salon procedure will improve hair quality and grow long, healthy curls without split ends.

Thermal cut - hot scissors
Photo: Sara Sampaio

How hot scissors work

To understand how such scissors work when cutting, it is necessary to imagine how the hair is injured after an incision.

The hair that you cut with regular scissors instantly loses additional protection, as its end becomes open. From the influence of external factors (for example, washing hair, drying with a hairdryer), the hair begins to split quickly and does not look its best.

Most likely, you are well aware from your own experience that hair after a haircut looks gorgeous for a while, but after about two weeks, the shape of the hairstyle and the hair itself begins to look not the best.

Why hot scissors are better

  • You will be able to improve the quality of your hair and make it healthier due to the services of professional masters of the salon in the form of a thermal cut.
  • When using hot scissors while cutting, each cut hair gets protection, as it is not torn, but "sealed". Is it better to preserve the condition of the hair with such a special “soldering”? not to violate the integrity of each individual curl.
  • You need to do a thermal cut less often, which will allow you to quickly grow the length, even if you are blonde.

We recommend one more the newest treatment for split ends - dasting.


the beauty
