Exfoliating foot mask: effective for rough heels

An effective homemade exfoliating heel mask recipe.

Is it possible to put rough heels in order at home? Yes, of course you can. When choosing tools, you need to consider the problems that need to be worked on. Most often, women ask themselves the question: how to cope with dry, rough skin of the feet, so that the heels are soft and well-groomed. This issue is especially acute in the spring, before the start of the warm season.

Exfoliating foot mask: effective for rough heels

What to do with rough skin of the feet?

Between pedicure procedures and before the start of the summer season, the skin of the feet especially needs support in the form of cleansing, nourishment and hydration. If there is demand, there is supply. Today, cosmetic brands produce a large number of different products for the care of problem skin of the legs.

Prevention of dry heels

Competent foot care - anti-keratosis mask

  • Use soap for feet - for daily cleansing and hygiene.
  • Antibacterials and antiperspirants to neutralize odors.
  • Urea Nourishing Creams - Urea acts as a moisture-retaining ingredient.
  • 1-2 times every ten days, peeling creams for mechanical cleansing of the skin and improving the penetration of active substances.
  • Do pedicure systematically (once a month). Acid (or enzymatic) foot peels most effectively help to cope with keratosis, dry calluses. This is the safest and most atraumatic type of pedicure, without maceration and soaking.
  • As for special socks for a pedicure, promises are coped with - this is a plus. The downside is that acid socks work over the entire surface of the foot, and not in areas where it is really needed.

The foot mask exfoliates and moisturizes

In short, all procedures for the skin of the feet should be regular, using quality products.

In addition to preventive care, homemade masks can be an additional way to cleanse and moisturize the skin. Here's how to make an exfoliating mask for dry skin at home. The available ingredients will help you save money on the purchase of special products and get a visible effect.

Home mask for the skin of the feet

Exfoliating foot mask: effective for rough heels

Preparation of ingredients:

  • What is required? Half a fresh lemon. Active ingredient - fruit acid - hydrates, softens and exfoliates dry skin.
  • Unrefined olive oil - nourishes, prevents skin irritation.
  • Cellophane thin bags or cling film.
  • Warm socks.

Recommendations for use

  • Wash the area to be treated with soap and dry thoroughly.
  • Treat the skin of the feet with a half of a lemon.
  • Spread a few drops of olive oil over the lemon juice.
  • Then we put plastic bags on our feet or wrap our feet with foil.
  • We wrap our feet in socks on top of the bags and put them in warm shoes.
  • Keep your feet warm for 30 minutes.
  • After that, rinse the skin of the legs with warm water, apply a moisturizer.

The result of the procedure

The mask effectively and carefully cleanses the epidermis of the feet, there is no dry skin. The action of the mask is aimed at a wide range of problems: deep hydration, exfoliation, skin nourishment and improvement of the appearance of the feet. After such a mask, the skin of the legs looks soft, tender and pink. We recommend trying the mask once a week to keep your heels well-groomed between pedicure treatments. Masks will definitely bring pleasure to your beauty ritual, improve the condition of problem skin of the feet.


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