10 Ways To Make Your Heels Perfectly Smooth

How to properly care for dry skin of feet.

How to make your heels perfectly smooth and soft? Summertime is the period when there is a desire to dress up in sandals and sandals. But when the heels are dry, there is a cracked or rough top layer of the skin of the feet, then you don't want to do this. We tell you how to make your heels look amazing at home, even if you have hyperkeratosis... Read the recommendations carefully.

10 Ways To Make Your Heels Perfectly Smooth

Hygienic pedicure

Timely it is necessary to carry out a hygienic pedicure once every 4 weeks. In this case, it is necessary to exclude harsh pedicure methods, for example, blades, strong grinding. Give preference to modern methods. These include an enzymatic pedicure based on herbal ingredients.

Moisturizes and nourishes even the driest areas of the skin of the feet, ensures their softness

Natural scrub peeling

This will create baby-like heels if you exfoliate on a regular basis. To do this, combine olive oil, sea salt and add essential oils for aroma. You will have a natural formula for smooth heels. Effectively moisturizes, removes even the driest areas of the skin of the feet, ensures their smoothness.

Foot scrub


  • Grind olives and red grapes 1: 3. This composition is quite effective in use, it is a safe procedure for caring for the foot. The mask exfoliates the epidermis and moisturizes dry feet, leaving them smooth and well-groomed. Olives can be substituted for olive oil. Leave the mask for 30 minutes, wrap your legs in a plastic bag and keep warm.
  • Another mask recipe: chop onion and cabbage leaves in a 1: 1 ratio, mix with crushed potatoes. Apply the mask to the feet, wrap with plastic bags. Wait 40-60 minutes. Rinse off the remnants of the mask with warm water.

Natural foot masks

  • The hardened skin on the heels is softened by applying a mask of melons and gourds. They must be crushed, bandaged and applied to problem areas for 40 minutes. Then rinse your feet with summer water, apply a nourishing fat cream.
  • Most of all, the skin of the feet needs moisture. Therefore, it is advisable to apply urea-based products 2 times a day. For this ideally suited - "Uroderm" and "Doctor". At night, use creams as a mask, it is advisable to put on socks on top.

Foot bath

Heat olive oil to 40 degrees. Then add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Pour the fortified oil into the container. Lower your feet for 30 minutes. The procedure should be performed at least once a week.

Aqua peeling

If masks and baths do not help, then purchase Aqua-peeling solution at the pharmacy. Apply it systematically and according to the attached instructions.

Fat cream

Heels need more than just hydration and exfoliation. Therefore, sufficiently nutritious fatty creams work well for them.

Drink plenty of water

Many podiatrists insist that a person needs to drink 2-3 liters of water a day. Adequate amount of liquid will help prevent dry heels and cracks.

Taking the drug "Aevit"

If there are signs of hardened skin of the feet, endocrinologists recommend that diabetes be ruled out. Take "Aevit" - the dosage and course are prescribed by the doctor. In principle, this is the classic scheme presented in the instructions. "Aevit" has a great effect on the skin, eliminates dryness and it looks healthy.

How to get smooth legs


the beauty
