The main criteria by which a man evaluates women's clothing

Feminine style.

The feminine style has long been highly appreciated by men, it clearly emphasizes the dignity of the girl:

  • shallow neckline,
  • skirt slit,
  • obligatory presence of shoes with heels.

Judges by silhouette

A man must appreciate the figure, silhouette, proportions, he forms his opinion about the woman he sees at a subconscious level, and presents her as his future wife and continuer of the family.

A-shaped clothing silhouette

Attire plays an equally important role.

Clothing should be different from men's, they hate it when a girl looks no different from himself. Short or knee-length skirts, dresses, sundresses and heels from 3-4 cm - this is the best solution (the main thing is not to overdo it). So, the course for femininity!

Female silhouette, an image that men like

He likes a romantic style of dress.

Clothes should be sexy, but at the same time, your outfit should not look too vulgar, this often happens in pursuit of fashion and the looks of men, some girls lose their sense of proportion and become just vulgar.

Romantic clothing style

Moderately V-neckline, frill, ruffles perfectly disguise the lack of chest volume. Those women whom nature has endowed with a feminine figure should be careful in choosing clothes, so appetizing forms should not be overly emphasized. Stop at the laconic forms that are inherent in the classic style.

Feminine style

Men like clean and tidy clothes. Even if you keep up with the times, but at the same time forget about cleanliness, this is not something that attracts men, but on the contrary scares away. Who needs a girly girl?

Evaluates fabric

Clothes made of light or smooth fabrics, guipure inserts, lace, feminine prints (flowers, peas) attract men, they love it when a girl is wearing a dress made of flowing fabric, it emphasizes her individuality and looks very neat. Our grandmothers noticed this.

Dresses, skirts, guipure


It is known that men like black and red when it is present in underwear and clothing. The representatives of the stronger sex have no preferences regarding other shades in clothes, try to pick up outfits based on their color type.

Color spectrum

We add that first of all you should like yourself when you feel joy and confidence, you are in a great mood, you radiate positive emotions, you smile, men pay attention to this even more than to beautiful clothes. But when asked what attracts men in a woman's wardrobe? We have answered the hits of seductive clothing in this article, look here.


the beauty
