The subtleties of pink in the wardrobe: choose your shade

Stylish, sensual and sophisticated pink! Images.

Pink is one of the rare flowers. This is a chromatic color that cannot be categorized as warm or cold, saturated or muted. Pink can be different. This is the difficulty of using this color to create an image.

The subtleties of pink in the wardrobe

And yet, if you figure out the correct combination of colors and correlate them with your color type, you can create a very interesting image with the help of pink. So, first, let's look at the possible types of appearance. Based on shades of skin, hair and eyes - it is customary to divide all women into four groups: "Winter", "summer", "spring" or "autumn".


Shades of pink for a girl - spring

Both cold and warm shades of pink are permissible in the wardrobe of a “spring” girl. They will add brightness and freshness to the image. Delicate, pastel colors and hot pink, on the verge of orange, will look equally harmonious on such a girl.


Shades of pink for a girl - winter

Women with a "winter" appearance will have to give up muted and warm shades altogether, but bright and cold colors will be a good solution.


Shades of pink for a girl - autumn

Bright and rich pink shades are not suitable for the "autumn" color type; it is better for such women to use pale, neutral options in their wardrobe.


And, finally, a woman "fly" will suit coral tones in a fairly neutral and pale design, as well as cool shades of pink in combination with blue and purple.

Shades of pink for a girl - summer

It should be noted that when choosing clothes, one should not pay too much attention to how this or that color looks in the bows of models in shows or photographs. When choosing clothes or accessories of such complex colors, personal fitting is required, since the slightest color distortion can erase the entire effect of the created image.

What colors should you combine pink with?

When deciding which colors to combine pink with, first of all you should pay attention to achromatic white, gray and black.

With white

Pink combined with white will create an elegant, delicate look. Moreover, the richer the shade of pink is, the more catchy the Look will be.

White + pink

With gray

A real classic that will be appropriate both in a romantic outfit and in a business style.

With gray

With black

And finally, pink and black will create an energetic, sexy, and at the same time romantic image based on the play of contrasts.

Combination of pink

With pale green

In addition, rich pink goes well with other colors: with light green, beige, purple, burgundy, red, blue, blue.

The subtleties of pink in the wardrobe: photos and rules for selection by color type

Note that this difficult color is used in clothes by women who are emotional, self-confident, who are not afraid to show their weakness and be gentle. Therefore, we boldly assert that pink in a wardrobe is a great opportunity to work with your image and discover completely new qualities in yourself. See also: delicate pink skirt, what color to choose in a duet.


the beauty
