Rejuvenating avocado masks: smooth out "neglected" wrinkles

Effective and rejuvenating avocado masks have earned recognition in practical cosmetology.

Alligator pear - this is the common name the avocado fruit acquired because of its size. Growing on the branches of trees, it is eaten as a vegetable. Avocado oil is a gift from the rainforest.

All preparations for sensitive and dry skin include this component. The advantages of the oil are the absence of any allergic reaction to it, the ability to be completely absorbed, making the skin soft, smooth, and the hair soft.


Rejuvenating Avocado Mask

The oily structure of the avocado pulp is rich in essential fats, which makes it a ready-made face mask in its original form: just apply the pulp to the skin. There is one nuance that should be taken into account when kneading the pulp - this is rapid oxidation, leading to a loss of properties. Therefore, it is necessary to use plastic appliances and exclude the usual metal dining rooms. The pulp of the fruit will not darken if lemon juice is added to the mixture in a timely manner.

Mask effectiveness

  • This mask is simple in its design, but this does not prevent it from being highly effective. It has an exceptional ability to restore skin that is quite neglected in its condition, in places chapped. Having burnt in the sun, after spending a long time in the air, you can apply the pulp of an avocado to your skin for half an hour. During this time, the structure of the skin will be restored.
  • The mask is effective eliminates signs of aging, such as crow's feet around the eyes, "neglected" wrinkles, actively promotes the production of its own elastin and collagen. This makes it unique in terms of preventing aging of the face and neck skin.
  • The rough skin of the hands from everyday household chores, which has cracks on the surface, needs to be restored. And here this problem will be solved by an exotic fruit.

Features of the use of a mask for hands

Mixed = 1 tbsp l. avocado pulp + 1 tsp lemon juice + 1 tsp. bee honey + 1 tsp. olive oil (or linseed oil). The mixture is distributed on the surface of the brushes in a dense layer, wrapped in polyethylene, over which gloves are put on. All ingredients in combination with each other will have a healing effect. If possible, it is worth leaving the mask on your hands until the morning, if this is not possible, then for two hours - this is the most optimal period.

The oil left on the skin does not need to be washed off, it is better to spend the night with it. In the morning, the hostess may not recognize her own brushes - they will become tender, the avocado pulp will soften them.

For face, neck and décolleté

Anti-aging avocado masks: smooth out neglected wrinkles

  • The presence of an excess of fat in the structure of the avocado fruit makes the mask necessary for the owners of thin aging skin that has lost its healthy appearance, which has become prone to dryness over the years.
  • The benefits of the fetus are invaluable for decollete, neck skin - which wilting is inevitable. To obtain an enhanced effect, the gruel is distributed in a volumetric layer on the zones and insulated. Olive oil, which can be previously applied to cleansed skin by making a warm compress, works great with avocado.
  • The result of using the mask is possible if the full course is followed: every other day, 10-15 masks.
  • Oily skin can also receive the nutrients found in avocados. However, masks for this type of face are prepared with the addition of lemon juice, starch (or oat flour).

Features of using avocado masks

  • Avocado fruit mask has a short shelf life, so it is not prepared in advance, and after use it is not stored.
  • The cut fruit along with a sharp knife splits into two halves, from which, after a non-metallic cutlery, the pulp is extracted.
  • After crushing the avocado in puree, you can add the ingredients listed above, depending on your skin type.
  • For all masks, a prerequisite is the addition of lemon juice to the mask, which will not allow the pulp to instantly oxidize.
  • See also: "Budget" course of face skin tightening.


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