Mask for the neck and décolleté: the skin is tightened and there are no wrinkles

Rejuvenating mask for the neck and décolleté.

As you know, winter brings problems not only with the skin of the face, but also with the neck. After exposure to adverse weather conditions: sun, wind, frost -
the skin becomes flabby, wrinkles appear on it, they not only give out the woman's age, but also add it. How can you restore youth and beauty to your neck and décolleté with a homemade mask?

What to cook:

To prepare a miracle mask, which will tighten the skin, make it soft and smooth, you will need the following components:

  • sour cream,
  • lemon juice,
  • egg,
  • spinach,
  • oat flour
  • and vodka.

Many women may be intimidated to see alcohol on this list, but don't be surprised. The fact is that vodka warms up the body well, as a result of which the skin nourishes itself with all useful substances.

How to do it?

  1. Take a bowl and put three tablespoons of homemade sour cream in it. You should use fatty sour cream, so it is best to take homemade. As you know, sour cream nourishes, brightens, moisturizes dry skin.
  2. It is recommended to add one egg yolk to sour cream. This product remarkably tightens the skin, smoothes them, thereby removing fine wrinkles.
  3. The next step will consist of adding two teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is he who brightens the skin, removes age spots. Remember, lemon juice can cause allergic rashes on the body, therefore, before using the mask, it is worth conducting an allergy test.
  4. Then add four tablespoons of spinach juice. The fact is that this ingredient is rich in vitamin E, it gives the skin youth and freshness. Do not be afraid of its green color, it will not stain your skin. If it is not found in the woman's kitchen, then you can buy vitamin E at the pharmacy and add five drops.
  5. Next, add one teaspoon of vodka. As mentioned above, it promotes rapid absorption of the mask. All added components must be mixed well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  6. Last but not least, add oat flour. You can make it yourself or purchase it from a store. It should be added gradually until the mask acquires a thick, homogeneous consistency. So the mixture can be easily applied to the skin.

Neck and décolleté mask

The mask is applied after an evening shower, on clean skin of the neck and chest area, in a fairly thick layer. Cover the top with cling film and stand for 15 minutes. At the end of the time, the mass should be washed off with water pleasant to the touch, as an option, remove it with a damp towel. This procedure should be carried out 2 times a week. After 14 days, a positive result will be seen.

Thus, with the help of simple products, you can prepare a good mask that will make the skin of the neck and chest area tightened, tender and healthy. See how to cook homemade face cream: erases wrinkles!


the beauty
