The new image of Kim Kardashian: what haircut did the star of the reality show

Unexpected beauty changes Kim Kardashian.

We have long been accustomed to the fact that Kim Kardashian wears long curls. However, at the end of March 2017, the celebrity suddenly decided to radically change the image. The world famous beauty has cut the length of her hair without changing color. It should be noted that such a haircut is the best fit for straight hair, it is easy to fit and looks stylish.

Kim Kardashian before and after haircuts

Kim Kardashian, haircut

The star posted several pictures on Instagram and Snapchats. In the photo (below), Kim is next to James Charles, a famous make-up artist, an official (ambassador) of the American brand of cosmetics for girls "Covergirl".

Kim Kardashian and makeup artist

Do you like Kim's new look? Share your opinion in the comments. See also: Why does Kim Kardashian rarely wash her hair?


the beauty
