Why does Kim Kardashian rarely wash her hair?

Take note!

Not so long ago, the whole world spread the news - the world famous beauty Kim Kardashian stopped washing her hair. The media wrote articles about Kim's unwashed but suspiciously clean and chic hair.

Beauty bloggers tried to find an explanation for this phenomenon, what is the reason why Kardashian refused to wash her hair every day? Some confidently wrote about the terrible illness of the star, someone argued that it was a whim or stress, or a desire to draw attention to oneself.

However, in reality everything turned out to be simple. These are just her new rules for keeping long curls clean and healthy.

Why Kardashian rarely washes her hair

Kim's rules:

  • 1. Kim Kardashian's rule against oily hair - you need to wash your hair, but not every day. Daily "bathing" hair deprives them of the main thing - the necessary protective oily layer of the scalp, without which the structure of the hair deteriorates, making them dull and brittle especially in winter. It is necessary to wash no more than 4 times a week if the hair is oily.
  • 2. Kim Kardashian advises choosing shampoo according to the type of head, andapply conditioner only on the length of the hair. And this is not surprising, because the shampoo removes excess fat on the roots and dries the hair structure, and the conditioner is designed to moisturize and nourish the length of the hair.
  • 3. Some "advanced" girls are used to using a cleansing shampoo for their hair. It is recommended for removing not only dirt, grease, but also the remains of silicone, varnish, gel and other chemicals along the length of the hair. Kim recommends using it no more than 1 time in 30 days, otherwise the hair will become much "fat".
  • 4. The ideal temperature for washing your hair is warm. It is she who does not deprive the hair of shine, does not aggravate the problem with oily content.
  • 5. Fresh lemon juice slightly diluted with warm water is an ideal way to rinse your hair after washing. Leave the composition on wet curls for 5 minutes and the hair will be provided with the necessary nutrition and protection.
  • 6. Perhaps all this will not directly affect the oily hair, but Kardashian advises to carefully choose means for styling and additional hair care. The daily use of active agents leads to an excess of them, accumulation and increased oiliness of the hair.
  • 7. It is important to remember: intensive combing and frequent touching of your curls during the day affect excess oily hair.

It's easy to follow Kim's advice, the main thing is that your hair will definitely become healthy, beautiful, and shiny. We recommend: hair mask based on "Panthenol" with an instant healing effect.


the beauty
