Young hands and strong nails: a new recipe for an effective mask

The mask is very effective for nails and dry, aging skin of the hands.

Beautiful nails are, first of all, healthy nails. Proper nutrition plays an important role in the strength of nails. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to eat rationally. It often happens that when you follow different diets, especially in the spring, you have to give up those products that bring health to your nails. First of all, from fatty ones. Hence, it follows that it is necessary to separately take care of the nails.

In this process, homemade masks for nails and hands are good helpers. Such procedures keep the nails healthy and strong and the skin of the hands soft and youthful. So that the very process of hand and nail care does not stretch out into numerous stages, and does not become tiresome, it is necessary to "kill" not two, but at least five birds with one stone. Namely: nourish, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin of the hands, protect and strengthen the nails.

The most useful and effective mask will be "5 effects". It has all of the above properties.

Nail mask five effects

The composition of the mask for hands and nails

The mask is based on olive oil. It is a versatile component in cosmetic products for the care of skin not only for hands. Herbal preparations are used as additional ingredients. It is not difficult to compose such a collection. You need to buy:

  • dry chamomile - serves as an antiseptic,
  • linden flowers - bleach,
  • flax seeds - provide nutrition to the skin and nails.

How to make a hand mask

Pour one tablespoon of each herb into a glass of warm olive oil. Heat in a water bath for about 20 minutes. Then strain and cool. Apply the resulting warm oil evenly to your hands, rubbing the composition into your nails. Gloves can be worn to enhance the effect. This aromatic oil blend keeps well in a dark bottle. You do not need to put in the refrigerator.

Oil mixture with vitamins

You can enhance the effect of the oil-herbal hand mask prepared above by adding a few drops of vitamins A and E to it. They are sold in any pharmacy in liquid form. Alternatively, it's a good idea to add a tablespoon of ground sea salt and the same amount of oatmeal. All ingredients must be mixed before application. The mask should be like liquid sour cream in consistency.

The new composition will be stored in the refrigerator for about a week. Flour and salt will act as a scrub, vitamins - nourish the skin and strengthen nails, olive oil - moisturize and rejuvenate, herbs will help whiten the skin and nail plates.

How to apply?

Apply the mask to clean steamed hands, hold for a quarter of an hour to 25 minutes. You can wrap your pens in polyethylene gloves (preferably cotton ones!). After the allotted time, wash off the mask, treat your hands with a nourishing cream. The use of this simple method helps to preserve the tenderness of the skin of the hands and the health of the nails.


the beauty
