Beautiful and young hands, how to achieve this?

So that the handles are always tender and aging more slowly!

The first thing that betrays the age of any woman is her hands. Moreover, women's hands age faster than men's. There are many explanations for this: household chemicals, housework, cold, wind, sun, water, etc. Of course, it also happens the other way around, as men tend to choose harder work.

Many years ago, ladies were very careful with their hands. Every self-respecting woman and girl had gloves, sometimes even more than one pair. It is interesting that they were worn not just as an accessory, but around the house, so that their hands were always warm and protected. What to do to keep the skin of your hands always tender and aging more slowly?

Beautiful, young hands, how to achieve this?


This is a very effective procedure. After all, it is not for nothing that they have now made it an independent stage of manicure. Manipulation with the same success can be carried out at home, and you do not need to think about the cream that you are using. The skin of the hands is not so picky and any oil, cream for the body, face and hands is quite suitable for it.

There are several stages of hand massage

Hand massage

  • The first is stroking. These movements are made in the direction from the fingers to the elbow. You need to repeat the movements at least 4-5 times.
  • The second step will be rubbing, which starts with the first finger. Further, each is given separate attention. Then we move on to the hand, wrist and forearm. The movements are repeated again at least 4-5 times. Each hand is massaged in turn.
  • And the final step is stroking, which is identical to the first step. Massage has a very beneficial effect on microcirculation and also improves the functioning of the joints. There is nothing abstruse in this procedure, therefore it is quite accessible to everyone, the main thing is not to be lazy.


This procedure is as simple as a massage. They are even somewhat similar in technique. For her, you need a special product with granules, and the actions are the same as for massage (described above). Peeling removes dead skin cells, dirt, and improves blood circulation. It should be noted that this procedure should not be performed more often than once a week.

Hand peeling

Hand baths

Another simple and effective way. It has been tested for centuries. There is even evidence that Cleopatra herself took hand baths according to a special recipe. And this woman is known to everyone for her beauty. See recipes for medicinal trays and here.

How to make

Either aromatic oil or herbal decoctions are added to warm water. You need to take baths for 10-15 minutes. Mint bath will relieve fatigue and give freshness to the skin. Bird cherry will remove the swelling. And the parsley bath will brighten the skin of the hands. A warm oil bath is especially effective for delamination of the nail plate and excessively dry hands... The oil can be almond, olive, peach, or your favorite oil that you use all the time. A little lemon juice is often added to flavor and brighten the nails.

In general, herbal and oil hand baths are very useful. They not only have a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands, but also soothe it, relieve inflammation, nourish and moisturize. After completing the procedure, without wiping your hands, you need to apply the cream.


A modern version of hand skin rejuvenation is injections of multivitamin preparations. As a rule, mesotherapy is prescribed in a course of 4 procedures in 14 days. The course is held once a year. As a result, the skin of the hands is moisturized and smooth. Thanks to the enriched composition and antioxidants included in the preparations, pigment spots disappear. And your hands are young and beautiful again!

Hand mesotherapy

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