15 mistakes that really stylish women can't afford?

Check yourself.

No matter what the expensive wardrobe and no matter what brands it has, no woman is protected from mistakes in clothing and style. A detail that is insignificant at first glance can completely negate all efforts and spoil the overall appearance. Here are fifteen of the most common mistakes women and men make, but not really stylish people.

1. Choosing and buying clothes that are not your size

This mistake is often made by women who want to hide their weight and obesity. Choosing too loose a cut, a woman gets the opposite result - baggy clothes add volume and vice versa, buying trousers or a blouse one size smaller, a woman emphasizes figure flaws. Since such clothes "pull" the figure and focus on the cons. You cannot buy clothes with the thought that weight loss will occur in a month. Do not put off until later, you should buy clothes by size and wear them here and now.

What mistakes don't really stylish women make?

2. Carelessness in dress

Looking natural and casual are two different concepts. If the clothes have creases or are simply not ironed, it will be visible. Whatever the expensive dress or shirt, if it is wrinkled, the overall impression of the image will be sloppy and cheap.

3. Incorrect mixing of styles in one image

You shouldn't combine different trends of the season in one look. For example, wear slip-on jeans and shoes on a very bulky platform. It will look ridiculous. You should not wear even the most fashionable thing if it does not fit individually. A stylish girl first thinks over every fashion trend, and then adapts to her appearance and lifestyle.

4. An obvious underwear line that shows through the clothes

You cannot wear underwear with ruffles and bulky rhinestones under clothes made of thin jersey. It looks inappropriate and vulgar. Also, if the linen is selected in the wrong size, it will lead to the fact that the line of the linen will be visible to the naked eye.

5. Peeking underwear

Error 5, which echoes the previous one, is the underwear peeping out from under the clothes. Under no circumstances, even if the lingerie is very beautiful, it is unacceptable to peek out the line of panties. If the pants or skirt has a low waist, then the underwear must match.

6. Overkill with white color

It is not always appropriate, and its peculiarity to add volume to the figure can play a cruel joke with the owners of magnificent forms.

7. Mini shouldn't be micro

The length of the skirt, dress and shorts should not cause discomfort and disturb the woman. Before buying clothes, you need to sit down in them and pay attention to whether they open up areas that should be covered.

15 mistakes that really stylish women can't afford?

8. Using more than three colors in one image

This makes the image bland and not complete.

9. Busting in print and drawing

Worth it carefully combine things with different prints in one way. The golden rule - if the skirt is patterned, then the shirt or blouse should be solid. It is also worth remembering that drawing and ornament can both emphasize flaws and hide them.

10. Wrong accessories

The selection of accessories should be approached very carefully. They should look harmonious on a woman, be it an exquisite necklace or fashion skinny scarf.

eleven.Don't take your wardrobe apart

Eventually, there is always nothing to wear, since you do not functionally use the capabilities of your wardrobe, mindlessly spend money on "clone things", often make impulsive purchases - I liked the thing, I will buy it!

Don't take your wardrobe apart12. Don't change basic things often

Seriously. Take a close look at your belongings. Surely, you have a black turtleneck or a white blouse that is not the first freshness hanging, worn out, but very, very beloved. As a rule, this is the basic thing. Try to replace it with a new one in a timely manner.

Mistakes Truly Stylish Women Can't Afford

13. Think in Things, Not in Bundles.

This is what distinguishes a stylish and confident girl from the average. You should put things in order in the closet, analyze the wardrobe and start training to complete self-sufficient ensembles.

14. Carelessness in details

Wear open-toed shoes when there is no pedicure. Unkempt legs can completely ruin the overall look. No matter how beautiful and expensive shoes, only ugly toes will remain in people's memory.

15. Untidy shoes

Shoes are that part of the wardrobe that can ruin the whole look if they are inappropriate, ugly and when dirty or worn out. This mistake is made not only by men, but also by women. Whatever your favorite and comfortable shoes, if they are already old, have lost their appearance, it is worth removing them from the wardrobe completely. Text: trends.desigusxpro.com/en/, photo: Getty Images, Pinterest.com, Instagram. See also: 5 wardrobe rules that will make you look spectacular.


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