How to make your face skin beautiful? 10 useful tricks

10 tips on how to achieve perfect skin without beauticians.

The first thing that is assessed when looking at a girl or woman is the quality of the skin. Unfortunately, nature has not endowed everyone with good skin, ecology and lifestyle also leave their mark. There are two ways: to pay a beautician a lot of money for expensive procedures, or to be able to take care of your face yourself.

How to make your skin beautiful - 10 tricks

Here are ten important tips for those looking to have good skin and not spend a lot of money on it.

1. Start your makeover by visiting a therapist

Do not start chronic "sores", visit doctors on time, do not hesitate to ask them more questions about your health.

2. Start eating a balanced diet

Even with the smallest budget, try to buy quality food, avoid semi-finished products, sausages. Replace purchased sweets with homemade cakes and jams.

3. Drink fermented teas

Instead of purchased tea, drink herbal tea - they have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Learn to make your own fermented teas from fruit tree leaves.

4. Clean hands - beautiful skin

Your home should always be clean. After crossing the threshold of the house, you need to wash your hands with laundry soap.

5. Say no to dust!

As much fresh air as possible - at work and at home. Throw away old carpets and excess items that collect dust and interfere with breathing.

6. Walk more

Stress is indispensable, learn to deal with it in a smart way. For example, aromatherapy, a good book, a movie, walking in the fresh air, meeting with friends.

7. Drink vitamins

Drink complex vitamins from time to time: "Aevit", "Perfectil", "Supradin" and others. Their lack in the body affects the skin of the face. For example, vitamin A is responsible for wrinkles around the eyes and skin hydration.

8. Do aromatherapy

Keep your body, face and hair clean at all times. Water treatments should become a daily requirement. Blends of aromatic essential oils are best suited for bathing. Absorption through the skin is carried out when taking a bath - from 5 minutes, in a sauna, in a shower.

9. Make homemade masks

Read on the internet for a good face mask that's perfect for you and do it twice a week.

10. Smile

Develop a habit of smiling more often and being less sad about every occasion.

You might be surprised to read these tips. Out of ten, only one, about a face mask, touches directly the skin. The rest build the principle of life, which is based on healthy eating, respect for oneself as a person, the ability to live in harmony with nature. There is no catch here. A month after you adopt these simple rules, acquaintances will pay attention to the fact that your appearance has changed beyond recognition, and the admiring glances of men will say everything without words.


the beauty
