Effective helpers: glycerin and vitamin E in facial care

Benefits and how to prepare an effective remedy for dry and aging skin.

You have probably often noticed that the most common ingredients in cosmetics are glycerin and vitamin E. Let's take a look at the benefits of these substances.

Glycerin and Vitamin E in Facial Care


The basic principle of action of glycerin is to retain moisture on the surface of the skin. This is due to the fact that the thinnest film forms on the skin, which prevents the evaporation of water. Glycerin is very inexpensive and can be purchased without any problems at any pharmacy.

The advantages of such a cheap tool have a whole range:

  • Moisturizes, as already mentioned, this is due to its ability to increase the natural moisturizing factor in the epidermis. Especially beneficial for women after 40-45 - many of the skin becomes dry.
  • Smoothes out wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones. This action is associated with moisturizing, nourishing and softening the skin.
  • Medicinal properties. Such an effect of glycerin has been noticed, as the fight against minor lesions and skin diseases. It can help with problems from common peeling to eczema and dermatitis.

Use case

Add a few drops of glycerin to your usual mask and you can see for yourself what a magical remedy it is.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E, like glycerin, can be added to masks or even used in pure form externally. This simple approach will help you solve the following problems.

  • Rejuvenates, slowing down the aging process in cells, and also contributes to the enhancement of their regeneration, thereby smoothes fine expression lines, restores the natural turgor of the skin.
  • It improves blood circulation, as a result, the skin becomes more elastic.
  • An excellent antioxidant. The benefits of antioxidants are now being talked about at every turn. They have the following effect - the synthesis of collagen and elastic fibers.
  • It acts like an antidepressant, namely, makes tired and exhausted skin vigorous, ruddy.
  • Moisturizes. Everything here is like glycerin, and in combination with it, the effect is enhanced several times.
  • Bactericidal action: destroys pathogenic microflora, thereby relieving the skin of acne.
  • Also, like glycerin, it has medicinal properties, relieves an allergic reaction and saves from itching and irritation.

Use case

It is best to combine them together as they enhance and complement each other's properties. Squeeze ten vitamin E capsules into a jar of glycerin and mix. This amount will be enough for you for a very long time, since you need to use such a mixture every day, apply a small amount at night. This effective homemade remedy will increase the hydration of the stratum corneum and gradually smooth out fine wrinkles.


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