New: mesoscooter, device of eternal youth

Will prolong your youth!

Meet mezoroller (or dermaroller) - a device that we can use at home, save us from unnecessary visits to a specialist, is considered an effective way to maintain beauty and youth.

Table of contents:

  1. Mechanism of action.
  2. Indications and contraindications for the use of the mesoscooter.
  3. Dermaroller how to use at home.
  4. The course of treatment at home.
  5. Video.


To improve the penetration and absorption of medicinal substances (special cocktails, serums) into the skin, we have developed a special cosmetic device - a mesoscooter, which is a roller with small diameter needles (needles) made of medical steel, titanium with a comfortable handle.

The mechanism of action of the mesoscooter

The effect of using the mesoscooter is comparable to the mesotherapy procedure, when the cosmetologist introduces intradermal active substances. The length of the mesoscooter needles can vary from [0.2-0.5 mm] for home use and [0.5-2.5 mm], which are used in a hospital setting. The number of needles can also vary.


According to research data, the mesoscooter allows you to make microscopic channels in the skin (500,000) in 5-10 minutes - these are microtraumas that increase the penetration of active substances 100,000 times better than simply applying them to the skin!

These microchannels are open for about an hour, healing occurs without scarring. In fact, (microchannels) are an extensive transport system that allows active substances to be delivered to the deeper layers of the skin. As a result, the processes of regeneration (healing) of damaged skin areas are connected, which are accompanied by the production of collagen and elastin, which provide the skin with firmness, elasticity, and improve blood circulation.

A small addition: you must agree that only a small part (0.3%) of the beneficial ingredients applied to the skin can penetrate the epidermal (outer) layer of the skin and get into the deeper layers of the skin - the dermis (the second layer of the skin).

The epidermis is separated from the dermis by the basement membrane. Most of the cosmetics that we use in everyday life work just to the level of the basement membrane. Often, in combination with the keratinized layer of cells, even this minimal result is unattainable! That is why it is constantly necessary to carry out deep cleansing of the skin from keratinized scales at home, using a scrub. Don't forget this.

The mesoscooter is effective for:

  • - reduction of scars and stretch marks,
  • - increasing collagen synthesis,
  • - regeneration and activation of elastin production,
  • - elimination cellulite,
  • - stimulation of cellular metabolism and oxygen,
  • - improving blood circulation,
  • reduce wrinkles and improving skin color,
  • - restoration of turgor and skin tone,
  • - bleaching of age spots,
  • - scars, acne scars,
  • - improving hair growth,
  • - micromassage.


  • - Individual intolerance.
  • - Violation of the integrity of the skin, trauma.
  • - Keloid scars and neoplasms on the skin (oncology).
  • - Skin diseases.
  • - Exacerbation of herpes.
  • - Pregnancy.
  • - Diabetes.
  • - Couperosis of the skin, only after consultation with your beautician.
  • Do not use on the skin of the eyelids and mucous membranes.

It has virtually no side effects when used at home, making it effective and innovative. The only thing is to make sure to have an individual mesoscooter and disinfect it with high quality.


How to use the mezoroller at home

  • 1. Remove makeup and thoroughly cleanse the skin with an antiseptic, which is intended for cleansing, for example, chlorhexidine, octenisept.
  • 2.We apply a medicinal substance to the skin, it can be a sterile serum with hyaluronic acid for active hydration.
  • At home, if you use a mesoscooter with needles up to 0.3 mm long, you can use serums and lotions for home use. If the needles are from 0.5 mm, then only with special sterile compounds.

    • 3. Divide the surface of the facial skin into separate zones (forehead, nose, cheeks, around the mouth and neck). Each area must be carefully processed with a mesoscooter. We do the piercing massage several times in the vertical direction, and then horizontally and diagonally in both directions.
    • 4. Before and after each procedure, it is imperative to clean the mesoscooter. First, wash it under running water, then disinfect it with a special agent or alcohol.

    A course of treatment

    Standard home treatments can take 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated. The course of treatment at home is 60 procedures (2-3 times a week) for six months. The break between courses is 30 days. Additionally, you can watch a visual video on how to use the mesoscooter.

    So, we understand that the sources of beauty are found in all layers of the skin. Our task is to increase it without causing harm. Always be beautiful.


the beauty
