How to treat hair with oil: masks, lotions and serums

We treat hair with natural oils.

The following formulations of hair masks with natural oils can help solve problems with the appearance of hair or prevent their appearance. The incoming medicinal components, vitamins protect hair, in a word, help to take care of them, accelerate hair growth and volume.

How to treat hair with oil

We treat hair with masks based on natural oils


Women who are trying to maintain health, beautiful and well-groomed hair should follow simple rules.

  • 1. Proper nutrition. And this means, include in your diet a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood, vegetable oils, use biologically active additives, thereby replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, a deficiency of useful micronutrients and vitamins is observed in three out of four women studied; they often physically cannot spend as much time and energy as is required to form a rich, rich diet.
  • 2. Choose the right care cosmetics: shampoos, conditioners, balms, hair cream masks.
  • 3. Less nervous, worried. Which, unfortunately, does not always work out either. The most harmful to health are not acute short-term experiences, but internal and prolonged excitement.
  • 4. Do not use hair styling devices on a daily basis: hair dryers, curling irons, irons. This also applies to the frequent change of image - blonde-brunette.
  • 5. Protect hair from negative environmental influences.

Ultraviolet light, wind, frost have a bad effect on the appearance of the hair, this is a fact. Therefore, after each shampooing, leave-in care should be applied: oil, serums, lotions. Wear a hat in winter and summer. Otherwise, the hair quickly becomes dry and brittle, and loses its appearance.


We offer you several hair masks based on natural oils. They are effective and confirm how wide the range of uses of natural remedies is. You just have to make a choice depending on your problems.

Oil formulations for head massage

To stimulate hair growth and strengthen hair follicles

You can massage with a nutrient mixture. To do this, add a spoonful of lemon juice or onion juice to castor or burdock oil. Massage the mixture into your scalp. Then put on a plastic hat, tie a warm scarf. Rinse off after 40-60 minutes.

Hair loss massage oil

Rub warmed sea buckthorn, olive or burdock oil into the scalp and hair roots. Put on a plastic cap and a warming scarf. Wash off after an hour using shampoo.

For hair growth, it would be good to add essential oils and a spoonful of cognac to the base natural oil to activate blood flow. As an essential oil for hair growth, use: oil of rosemary, burdock, lemongrass, peppermint, clove, nettle. As a base, use available oils - sesame, olive and burdock - are in every home.

masks for dry hair

Leave-in oil serums for hair

Hair growth serum

We recommend to spray it on clean scalp at the hair roots. We leave and do not wash off. First, we make a decoction from a mixture of the herbs listed below.We take one spoonful of the mixture for two hundred grams of boiling water. A mixture of herbs: lemon balm, nettle, burdock root, birch buds, chamomile.

We filter through cheesecloth. Add 10 drops of argan oil, it will not weigh down your hair when it dries.
Vitamins A and E, five drops.

Anti-electrification hair lotion

We mix:

  • juice of one lemon;
  • boiled water 50 grams;
  • 10 drops of argan oil;
  • Apply to clean hair. Do not wash off.

Hair masks based on natural oils

You can prepare a hair mask that is right for you without leaving your home. To do this, you need to introduce six main active ingredients into it, based on the existing hair problems.

Recipe: base - base oil + 3 types of essential oils + vitamins A and E.

Base oil: argan, sea buckthorn, olive, burdock, sesame, pumpkin, almond.
Essential oil for all hair types: lavender, rosemary, rose, macadamia, ylang-ylang, shea, tea tree.

If the hair at the roots is oily, add a few drops of oil to the masks: jasmine, tea tree, sage, lemon, tangerine, burdock, cornflower, lemongrass or mint.

Dry hair ends, naturally curly hair are well nourished with oils that moisturize them - chamomile, rose, geranium, lavender essential oils.

Ampoule vitamins A and E - oil solutions that are sold in pharmacies are quite suitable, plus add juices of berries, fruits, vegetables. Read in detail: "Masks to increase the density and volume of hair".

Hair_masks_based on_natural_oils

Repairing mask for highlighted hair

  • The juice of one lemon;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of brandy;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of base oil (you can olive);
  • 5 drops of essential oil (chamomile).

Hair growth mask with castor oil

  • Castor oil;
  • burdock oil 1 tbsp. spoons;
  • tincture of red pepper;
  • 10 drops of argan oil;
  • lemon or aloe juice 1 tbsp. spoon.

Hair growth mask with burdock oil

We take the onion and grind it in a blender or on a grater. Warm up in a water bath. Add 1 teaspoon burdock oil and lemon juice to the warm gruel. We put it on the hair roots, put on a bathing cap to keep warm. Wash off after 30 minutes.

Red pepper tincture for hair growth

To prepare a tincture of red pepper, you need to mix 5-10 red pepper pods, passed through a meat grinder with 200 gr. sunflower oil. Insist 10 days in a warm place, shaking daily.

Masks against oily hair roots and oily dandruff

An interesting recipe for healing and hair growth is used in India. They take tomatoes, knead them into pulp. Apply to hair. In the summer season, this method is suitable for owners of oily hair. Tomatoes contain organic acids, minerals, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, P and K.

You can also make onion gruel and mix one-to-one with milk. Apply, let stand for 30 minutes, rinse off.

If you want to cleanse your scalp, eliminate dandruff, increase blood circulation - try to do it yourself peeling for the scalp based on activated carbon.

Nourishing masks based on natural oils should be done twice a week if you are treating your hair. For the purpose of prevention, it is enough once every ten days.


I would like to note that sometimes hair problems are just a bell - something is wrong in the body. It may make sense to consult a trichologist.


the beauty
