Add activated charcoal to your shampoo and the result will surprise you!

Activated carbon - we use it for cosmetic purposes!

Activated carbon is used today not only in pharmaceuticals, but also in cosmetology. Many firms include charcoal in their cosmetics. And this is no accident. After all, it perfectly cleanses the skin and even tooth enamel.

Charcoal has a special property - it absorbs toxins, bacteria, sebum and impurities. Therefore, it is an ideal assistant in carrying out peelings and masks for face and body. In Asian countries, there is even a soap with activated charcoal, it cleanses the skin well without overdrying it.

Activated charcoal soap

With regular use of activated charcoal face masks, the following positive changes occur:

  • - the work of the sebaceous glands changes. Since charcoal reduces the production of subcutaneous fat, sebaceous plugs cease to appear, as a result of which blackheads and acne cease to form, the skin is cleansed;
  • - acne heals and the likelihood of their further appearance decreases;
  • - mimic wrinkles disappear, the skin is smoothed;
  • - the complexion as a whole improves, the shades of yellowness and dark circles under the eyes disappear.

The following mask is useful for the face.

Let's dwell a little more on activated charcoal face masks.

It should be said right away that it is necessary to use black coal, and not white. The simplest cleansing mask is to use charcoal on your own. Namely, several tablets are diluted with water and applied to the face for 15 minutes, and then simply washed off with water. It is not necessary to keep the mask on the face longer, because the gray tint from the pills can remain on the skin. For problem skin, such a mask is irreplaceable.

  1. Activated charcoal is mixed with almond flour and vegetable oil, and rubbed into the skin in a circular motion for ten minutes. Then wash off with warm water.
  2. If you mix 1 tablespoon of edible gelatin + 3 tablets of crushed activated carbon + 3 tbsp. tablespoons of milk, you get a wonderful mask for problem areas of the skin of the face, where acne and comedones are present. Most importantly, do not forget to steam the face beforehand, wait until the gelatin swells, apply the composition in a thick layer, and keep it for 15 minutes.
  3. You can prepare a peeling mask that will relieve your face of blackheads and acne. To do this, coal is mixed with white clay, crushed apricot pits, coconut oil, calendula tincture, vitamin E. It is applied for a quarter of an hour, then washed off with water. It is enough to do such a mask a couple of times a week for a month.

But, like any other tablets, activated charcoal has its own contraindications:

  • Open wounds on the face. For example, it is not recommended to squeeze pimples and then apply charcoal to the skin.
  • Ulcers and abscesses on the skin.
  • Individual intolerance.

And remember that while absorbing all the toxins and impurities of the skin, charcoal also takes useful substances. Therefore, it is advisable to include other ingredients in the composition of the masks so that they compensate for the loss of the beneficial properties of the skin.

Charcoal is good for hair too

Activated carbon for hair

If you add it to shampoo, your hair will be cleaner for longer, because charcoal, due to its porous structure, absorbs more skin impurities from the scalp. All you need to do is mix the powdered activated carbon with shampoo, then you need to wash your hair as usual.

Great ingredient for making a body mask

To cleanse the whole body, you need to make a mixture of charcoal, clay and water. Apply to the entire surface of the body, then rinse off as usual. It is better to do this in a bath, when the body is well steamed. Actually, that's all, now you know how to use activated carbon for your beauty.


the beauty
