Instead of cleansing the face: mask with activated charcoal, 1 procedure is enough

We use activated carbon and gelatin to make a cosmetic mask.

In stores, cosmetics are very expensive. You can prepare a mask for cleansing your face using gelatin and activated charcoal.

The secret of soft skin

Dirt, dust and oil clog your pores and age your appearance, and many cleansers contain harmful ingredients. Gelatin and activated carbon, like a magnet, draw out harmful substances, toxins from the pores, leaving the skin clean and soft!

Here is its composition:

  • half a charcoal tablet;
  • 2.5 grams of gelatin powder;
  • 5 grams of heated water (milk can be used).

Crush a charcoal tablet into a teaspoon and add gelatin. Mix everything thoroughly, fill it with heated water. Stir again and place in microwave for about 15 seconds.

The prepared mask can be applied to the face. After 20 seconds, apply another layer. The more layers, the easier it is to remove the mask. This film will dry in a quarter of an hour.

Charcoal and gelatin mask

Then remove the gelatin mask and your skin will be renewed. It will turn soft and smooth. Use a toner to tighten pores and apply the cream to your face.

Use a hand-made mask. It's cheap and environmentally friendly so you don't have to go to cleanse your face. See also: powerful mask for facial rejuvenation... On this topic: almost invisible, how to narrow enlarged pores, masks.


the beauty
