Deeply restoring hair masks: do not trim "fragile" curls

A real resuscitation for damaged hair.

Your hair is dehydrated and needs nourishment and rebuildingThen deeply restoring hair masks with rosemary, keratin and precious oils will help you. This is real resuscitation for injured, brittle, dry and discolored hair.

Revitalizing hair masks

Restores and strengthens

This natural mask deeply moisturizes the hair, saturating it with nutrients that are found in abundance in rosemary and cocoa butter. Due to the special composition of herbal products, their components are easily absorbed into the hair; after rinsing, they do not leave an oily sheen.

  • Brew a small handful of rosemary herb (200 ml).
  • The broth should stand for 30 minutes.
  • Then strain.
  • Mix with 1 tbsp. l cocoa butter.

The length is covered with a liquid mask, wrapped on top with a film, insulated with a cap. After 1.5-2 hours, the product is washed off, first with shampoo, then apply your own balm. For a quick recovery, it is enough to carry out the procedure three times a week, it has a cumulative effect.

Length Restoration Mask Formula

The result: healthy, silky and shiny hair. This unique recipe contains natural ingredients that will quickly restore shine and beauty to your hair.

  • Olive oil (almost in every kitchen) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Optionally, argan oil - 1 tsp if the hair is dry and lifeless.
  • Aloe Vera - 1 tsp (used to quickly moisturize dry hair and for optimal care).
  • Essential oil - 5 drops.
  • Dimexide (ampoules, you can buy at the pharmacy) - 0.5 tsp.

Mix all ingredients well. Apply one part of the mask to the scalp, mix the rest with 1 tbsp. spoon of keratin (fills the inner keratin layer of damaged hair) and distribute along the length. Massage lightly, wrap, leave for 5-6 hours. Rinse thoroughly. If necessary, repeat the procedure once a week. A weekend, evening, it's time to leave, and at home is much cheaper. See on the topic: reliable allies in the care of fine hair.


the beauty
