Don't cut: masks that bring beauty back to hair

4 hair masks that will save you from haircuts!

In summer, or after unsuccessful dyeing, hair deteriorates very often. The abundant negative effects of the sun and aggressive substances make the hair brittle, dry and lifeless. How can you help your hair?

Masks for spoiled hair

You can use expensive cosmetics, but among such products there are often fakes that will make things even worse. An alternative to expensive products is homemade masks.

The most popular restorative hair masks

Mask based on olive or burdock oils

Olive or burdock oil nourishes the hair at the cellular level. Getting on the hair, the oil is absorbed by the scales, while closing. And by applying oils to the roots, they are enriched with the necessary trace elements for normal hair growth.

This mask is easy to make. Oil of olive or burdock should be applied evenly over the entire length.

Mask based on lemon, castor bean and burdock oils

This mask is suitable even for colored hair (mainly in bright hues, since citric acid is present, which lightens the hair). This mask perfectly nourishes the roots and length. For cooking, you need 10 ml of lemon juice, a mixture of oils, 5 ml each. The mask needs to be warmed up and applied warm to the head. After that, you need to wrap your head in a towel. And only after 2 hours, the mask can be washed off using shampoo.

Garlic mask

Surprisingly, garlic contains almost all the necessary vitamins and minerals that are needed to maintain normal condition and nourishment of hair. But there is one main disadvantage of this mask - this is the smell. With such a mask, it is undesirable to go outside. This is due not only to an unpleasant odor, but also to the fact that the oils that are in garlic, when combined with the sun's rays, oxidize and lose their benefits. For the mask, you need a couple of heads of garlic. Finely grind it into a mushy mixture. Apply this mixture for 2 hours. Rinse off 2 times for better odor removal.

Aloe and onion mask

The healing and nutritional properties of aloe have been known for a long time. But with the addition of onion juice, an even greater saturation of nutrients occurs. Add honey, almond oil and burdock decoction to the main ingredients. All components need 1 spoonful, except for a decoction of burdock, it requires 2 tablespoons. The mask is supposed to be warmed up and applied for 2 hours. Wrap in a towel. Then wash off the mixture with acidified water (citric acid or vinegar).

With the help of the listed masks, you can restore damaged hair. Read additionally: express hair mask with lamination effect.


the beauty
