Double effect: mask to restore hair length and strengthen hair roots

Do not cut, but restore!

If you have damaged curls, this is not a problem at all - proper care, a homemade mask will get rid of split ends, restore the overdried length in just a few procedures. The mask basically contains liquid honey and fresh aloe juice, has a pronounced effect - restores the hair structure, nourishes the roots and moisturizes the scalp.

Preparing a hair mask

Aloe juice can be bought at the pharmacy or made by yourself. To do this, just cut off 1 bottom sheet from the flower, wrap it with paper or cloth, put it in the refrigerator for 10 days. Then squeeze out the juice.

To prepare one portion of the mask for medium hair length, you will need:

  • - fresh aloe juice;
  • - liquid flower honey;
  • - Castor oil.

Mix all the ingredients of the recipe 1: 1 (1 tablespoon each) and distribute the resulting mask on dry hair, including the scalp and roots. The composition is kept for 40 minutes, then the hair is rinsed with warm water. It's good if you keep the mask warm - wrap up your hair in any way that suits you.

Hair restoration mask

After two weeks of application, the first results are noticeable - the hair is moisturized,length is restored, the general condition of the scalp improves and, as a result, hair loss stops.

Regular care of curls also do not forget - protect the length from exposure to direct sunlight, use daily oils, serums (sprayed on dried hair without rinsing) and special moisturizers.


the beauty
