Wrinkle and acne free: how to do a salicylic peel at home

It is used for problem and aging skin.

To get rid of age spots, wrinkles, acne, dull and aged skin, salicylic peeling will come to the rescue. This tool helps not only aging skin, but also young skin.

Salicylic peeling: good skin care

Not everyone knows what salicylic peeling is. Therefore, in order to apply it, you need to know as much as possible about it.

Salicylic peeling is a mask that rejects the top problem layer of the skin. The most important drug is salicylic acid.

Salicylic face peeling

Today, the safest and most effective peeling is salicylic.

It can be used both at home and in salons.
This peeling is used if you have:

  • dynamic and staticwrinkles;
  • photo and bio-aging of the skin; loose skin;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • fading hand skin;
  • freckles;
  • dull skin;
  • very oily skin type;
  • traces of acne;
  • acne.

At the moment, there are 2 types of salicylic peels - median and superficial.

Superficial salicylic peels are usually used for problematic young skin. Its concentration is 15%, or even 20%. Thanks to this peeling, the face becomes fresh, smooth, and most importantly - healthy. The secretion of the sebaceous glands, oiliness, porosity of the skin decreases.

Median peeling (courses 2-3 times a year) is used only for mature skin. Since it is able to effectively restore, rejuvenate the skin and eliminate many defects. Its concentration is 25% or 30%.

Salicylic peeling 30%

If peeling or redness does not go away on the skin of the face for a long time, do not do it yourself. It is best to seek advice from your beautician.

How to apply salicylic peels correctly

The work plan is divided into several stages:

  • Be sure to wash your face well with special soap. Cleanse the skin of makeup, foundation, powder and so on.
  • Then you need to apply the desired composition to the skin and withstand time.
  • After the peeling has "sat" on the face from 10 minutes to an hour (depending on the chosen concentration and problems), it must be neutralized with cold water and the result must be fixed with an antiseptic agent, which includes aloe.

What not to do after peeling:

  • you can not sunbathe in the sun for at least 10-15 days;
  • you cannot tear off parts of the skin with your nails, they must fall off by themselves;
  • do not use cosmetics (especially decorative) for 15 days.

At home, it is permissible to do only superficial aspirin peeling, but the middle-superficial or deep (20-30%) must be done only in the salon. If you treat your skin correctly, then you can forget about the problems. We are sure you will enjoy the peeling. Make and share information with your friends. We recommend: cosmetics with retinol, 3 main rules of application against wrinkles.


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