The result of hair restoration is immediately visible: the secrets of aroma combing

Add this powerful treatment to your beauty hair treatment.

What's the secret to aroma combing? Well-groomed hair is the pride and an indicator of the beauty of any girl. Everyone dreams of lush, silky hair, but often all hair care procedures come down to an ordinary washing and rinsing hair.

Aroma combing

Blow-drying, straightening or curling with a curling iron will drain the hair, it will become brittle, dry, fluffy... After such aggressive procedures, the hair literally screams for help. In this case, aroma combing comes to our aid.

Nature provides us with a great variety of hair care products and options. Essential oils will help your hair feel silky and healthy. They appeared five thousand years ago, in China, Egypt, India, they learned the art of obtaining essential oils. They have antiseptic, antiviral, sedative, invigorating and even aphrodisiac effects. The famous world beauties have always known beauty recipes in which essential oils were the secret ingredients, and today we will reveal a few of them.

Aromatic oils have very active active formulas, esters penetrate intensively into the structure of each hair. The result is visible after the first procedure.

Aroma combing intensively restores hair

This procedure allows you to get visible results quickly, simultaneously solves several problems, and is relevant all year round.

How is it done?

Treatment consists in applying a few drops of oil to the comb used to comb the hair. A more effective way is to apply oil to your palms and comb them with your hands, especially stopping at the ends of the hair, rubbing the oil thoroughly. So, the oil is more evenly distributed over the hair and the comb does not get dirty.

Apply essential oils to the comb

You can also rub the oil into the roots a little. Oils are incredibly easy to transform hair, such a simple procedure can replace the procedure for applying balm or hair rinse. Hair will be pliable, manageable, combed well.


If you carry out the aroma combing procedure regularly, the hair will strengthen, will not fall out, the fragility of the ends will decrease, and the length will be effectively protected from the destructive effects of the environment. The aroma of hair will delight and give a good mood. Obviously, this hair care can be done both in winter and summer.

It is important to say that essential oils can be used for all types of hair, even if the hair is oily oil: lemon, ginger, clove, sage, pine will only benefit, will help normalize the sebaceous glands. It is advisable to apply them to clean hair, so the esters are better absorbed.

Before use, be sure to check your reaction to essential oils, whether an allergic reaction will occur, the oil should not cause irritation. Put a drop on your wrist, rub it and wait 5-10 minutes. If the oil does not burn, the skin does not redden, then it is right for you.

A little about the properties of essential oils

  • Essential oils ylang-ylang and rosemary strengthen and accelerate hair growth, prevent split ends. They can be added to masks without fear (but only of natural composition, ethers penetrate very deeply, getting into the blood, lymph, if the composition of the mask is chemical (parabens, surfactants, preservatives, dyes) all this will enter the body.)
  • Cedarwood essential oil is well known for its detoxifying effect, it has antiseptic, antibacterial, and hair growth stimulating properties, which makes it useful for alopecia areata or hair loss.
  • Essential oils of peppermint and lemon are beneficial for light hair as they have brightening properties.
  • Rosemary, chamomile, lavender and thyme oils will help fight dandruff.
  • Ylang Ylang essential oil helps to smooth hair.
  • Tea tree, rosewood, chamomile oils will help strengthen the hair roots.
  • For hair that is damaged and regularly heat-treated, orange, geranium, and sandalwood oils are suitable.

You've probably heard that some oils have an invigorating and stimulating effect, others are soothing and relaxing, if you study the topic of essential oils in more detail, you can figure out what time of day it is better to use certain oils.

When choosing an essential oil, you should be based not only on its therapeutic effects, but also on your aromatic preferences, which means that the aroma notes you catch should be pleasant to you.

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the beauty
