3 reasons why you have bags under your eyes: it's time to get rid of

Three reasons and solutions to the problem!

Lower eyelid bags are a problem that many women face. They give a tired look and generally do not paint. Why do you still see them under your eyes? There can be many reasons for the formation of bags under the eyes, ranging from banal ones - a violation of the daily routine, insufficient sleep and chronic diseases.

1. Loss of skin elasticity

The problem arises with age, leading to the formation of folds that look like bags. Indeed, the skin around the eyes is very thin, sensitive and prone to extensibility. Therefore, this area is prone to swelling.

What to do?

You can rejuvenate the area around the eyes simply, effectively, without visible traces. Blepharoplasty is 50% of all plastic surgeries! The skin of the eyelids is thin, heals well, no scars remain. Alternative option - face fitness, performing special exercises to eliminate bruises and bags under the eyes.

Under eye bags reasons and how to get rid

2. Violation of blood and lymph circulation

Age-related deterioration in the quality of the skin around the eyes, manifests itself both in the form of persistent edema around the eyes and pastiness - a characteristic swelling of the tissues, in which the eyelids become heavy, and the face may have a "tear-stained" appearance.

What to do?

Try to restore the skin: masks, lymphatic drainage facial massage, peptides, moisturizing and toning procedures. Finally "make friends" with hydrogel patches and try to establish a daily routine and nutrition. And we smile a lot, because a smile prolongs not only life, but also beauty, this has already been scientifically proven.

3. Apply liberally around the eyes

Moisturizers and oily creams attract fluid and it accumulates in bags under the eyes. This problem is especially important in the winter season, when the skin is even more dry and exposed to temperature changes.

What to do?

Finish evening care before 21.00, remove excess product from the eyelids. Hyaluronic cream should be applied only during the daytime, so that the face always looks younger and more attractive.

Eye cream

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