Skinny figure? Five rules for choosing clothes

Ways to correct a lean figure.

Happy owners of a graceful and fragile figure are generally happy with it. However, there are typical mistakes they make when choosing clothes. It is not enough to have a good and beautiful body, it is also important to emphasize its benefits with the correct and attractive outfit.

As for the striped

Only a person with good taste can handle striped fabric. The fact is that a different strip in color, width, location and accompanying clothing affects the figure in different ways. Vertical stripes are categorically contraindicated for thin girls. She visually stretches the silhouette, and quite strongly. In turn, a horizontal narrow stripe gives the opposite effect, so a small number of rare, contrasting stripes will lead to a visual expansion of the figure.


A good option would be a strip in the right place, which requires an increase; with the right pattern, it will perfectly emphasize and highlight feminine forms.

A little volume

Tight clothes do NOT suit skinny girls at all, so it is advisable to exclude them. Try to wear: flying blouses and loose pants, dresses, skirts A-line and pleated. They will make you lighter and add the necessary roundness, especially around the thighs and chest. Remember that shine, any decor will make you look fuller.

Lean body correction

Doll clothes

Girls with curvaceous forms DO NOT like ruffles and all sorts of frills, as on doll dresses and rightly so. But such clothes, on the contrary, will make a thin figure much prettier. Assess your body and choose where you are most lacking in volume. This is where it is worth adding convex decorations.

Ruches, ruffles in the right place

About shoes

Today it is quite fashionable to wear heavy, massive shoes. For skinny girls, this is a very bad idea. The fact is that such boots make the leg heavier from below, and this is a completely unnecessary effect. She will emphasize the irregular curves of the legs, thinness and angularity. These shoes are good for women with a perfect figure. Full models should not be worn either.

Recommended shoes

Multiple layers

Small volumes allow you to experiment with style and put on several layers of clothing, both from light fabrics and from heavy ones. For example, a blouse made of dense fabric, complemented by a long knitted cardigan, will look just fine.

Layering is welcome

A beautiful and slender figure is an advantage for a girl, so it is worth taking care of her and choosing such clothes that will only improve the effect, and not aggravate some of the shortcomings. See also: white denim, 8 examples of the perfect everyday look.


the beauty
