This is why you should use sulfate and paraben free shampoos.

It is important!

Everyone knows that the old generation of shampoos were quite aggressive and did not have a positive effect on the condition of the hair. Naturally, no one wrote this on bright jars of various shampoos. Nevertheless, research by specialists has repeatedly confirmed that all shampoos contain harmful substances, especially sulfates. However, there has always been a need to wash your hair, and people could not refuse this, despite the harmfulness of shampoos.

Today, a new generation of sulfate and paraben-free shampoos has appeared, which not only perfectly cleanse hair from dirt, dust and grease, but also do not harm their condition and health.

The harm of shampoos that contain SLS:

Why you should use sulfate-free shampoos

  • 1. First of all, it should be noted that sulfates are highly allergenic components. This explains the appearance of itching and discomfort on the scalp. Many people attribute this condition of the head to the fact that they simply chose the wrong shampoo, but in fact the reason lies precisely in the content of sulfates, which irritate the scalp.
  • 2. Sulfates destroy the normal hair structure. The more you use the sulfate shampoo, the weaker your hair will become.
  • 3. Each shampoo has a different amount and combination of sulfates. After using sulfate shampoo for a long time, your hair will not look very attractive. They will be dull and lifeless, lose their density and shine. In such situations, people are used to changing their shampoo. The new shampoo will have a better result, since the sulfate compound there is different, the hair has not yet got used to it. However, over time, the hair will look bad again, as sulfates will continue to break it down.

Pros of sulfate-free shampoos:

Why use sulfate-free shampoo

  • 1. These shampoos do not cause allergies and do not irritate the scalp.
  • 2. Shampoos without SLS are not addictive. Addiction causes your hair to become fat faster, literally the next day. If you regularly use sulfate-free shampoo, one or two shampoos per week will be enough.
  • 3. Sulfate-free shampoos nourish hair with essential vitamins, which contributes to its health and beauty. But sulfates tend to destroy the effect of all beneficial substances for the hair. Draw your own conclusions, the choice is yours.

See also: ideal ingredient for hair loss, you can find it in any store.


the beauty
