How to remove expression wrinkles: causes and home care

Home care against expression lines.

Many girls are horrified when they see the first wrinkles on their skin. This does not always happen after the age of 35, sometimes twenty-year-old girls notice wrinkles on their faces. This does not mean that the inevitable aging process has already begun. At such a young age, only the appearance of mimic wrinkles is possible. Let's analyze several ways to remove them.

Causes of facial wrinkles

In the case of mimic wrinkles, it is much easier to prevent their appearance than to try to remove those that have already appeared. To know exactly what measures to take, you first need to understand where they actually come from.

How to remove expression lines in no time

  • Overactive muscles faces can cause expression lines at age 20. The skin of the face is very vulnerable, it has to be constantly stretched. For example, when a person squints, wonders, frowns. This is how mimic wrinkles appear. In this case, botulinum toxin is indicated to prevent their appearance.
  • Insufficient moisture - moisture greatly affects the elasticity of the skin.
  • The systematic use of alcoholic beverages can affect the premature appearance of wrinkles, and in conjunction with tobacco smoking, it can cause serious harm to the skin.
  • Lack of sleep will also negatively affect. During sleep, our body not only rests, but also recovers. Therefore, it is very important that the time of uninterrupted sleep per day is at least eight hours.
  • You should be careful with diets. If they are abused, the skin will not receive the nutrients and water it needs in sufficient quantities.
  • Saving on cosmetics can also have a negative impact.
  • Sunglasses should be worn on bright sunny days. Also, at the first signs of deterioration in vision, you need to contact an optometrist for glasses or lenses so as not to squint.
  • The factor of heredity can also have a great influence. Some people have a hereditary predisposition to the early appearance of wrinkles, a decrease in skin density.

Home care against expression wrinkles

The fight against the first wrinkles can be started at home. The main thing is to carry out these procedures systematically, only then the result will be noticeable.

Start your morning with oatmeal

Mix 1: 1 - yolk, honey, olive oil and oatmeal. We soak on the face for 15 minutes. We wash off with plain water. Then, as usual, apply toner and moisturizer.

Aloe juice

Aloe juice will serve well in the fight against crow's feet. It can be rubbed into the skin around the eyes in its pure form, or you can use cream gels containing aloe extract. They are light, refreshing and moisturizing.

We remove expression wrinkles

Avocado mask

Patience and work will "erase" wrinkles on your face. Many women praise avocado mask, it is very easy to do and it tightens the skin well. Half an avocado should be mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of cocoa and honey. Apply to skin for 15 minutes. It is best if the skin is steamed or after exfoliation. It is recommended to do this procedure up to three times a week.

Folk mask with carrot juice

Mash 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cream with one chicken yolk. Add 1 tbsp. l. fresh carrot juice and a few drops (10) of oily vitamin E or the contents of two capsules of the "AEvit" preparation. Apply the composition to the face, exposure time 15-20 minutes. Remove the mask with warm olive oil. Make a course - you will not recognize yourself, this wonderful mask transforms so much!

End the day with herbal compresses

Chamomile and mint are added to hot water, this composition is cooked for about ten minutes. When it cools down, cotton pads are moistened in it and placed over the eyes. It is enough to lie like this for ten minutes. Then it is recommended to lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream. Or Korres oil has proven itself well.

Anti-expression wrinkle treatment Korres

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Salon care

You can go to the salon, they will offer a number of services to remove wrinkles. If the wrinkles have just appeared, it is better not to rush and still do to smooth them out at home. But if the wrinkles are already deep enough - creases, and home compresses and masks cannot cope with them, salon procedures will become a real salvation. After the procedures, the result will be noticeable almost immediately. Among them are chemical peels, laser resurfacing, photorejuvenation, Botox injections, fillers and others.

As a result of procedures and home care, an excellent aesthetic result is achieved. Read on the topic: Fool your age face masks to make your skin glow with youth.


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