Removes age spots: mask of oriental beauties "Scheherazade"

The mask will quickly transform your skin!

Many have heard about the beauty of oriental beauties, but few know, the recipe for the miraculous Scheherazade mask! Since ancient times, women and young girls have included her in their daily skin care ritual.

Anti-age spots mask


The action of the Scheherazade mask is aimed at leveling the tone of the face, getting rid of hyperpigmentation, improving blood circulation, it has an antimicrobial effect, helps to fight premature skin aging.

As a result

Your skin will look smoother, more radiant and hydrated. The mask really works. For older ladies, it rejuvenates, has a lifting effect. With daily use, it helps girls get rid of acne and acne marks.

How is it prepared

The uniqueness of the "Scheherazade" mask is in the unusual combination of useful ingredients and in the preparation method.

  1. To make the mask, you will need 1 part ginger powder and 2 parts oat flour. Mix in a glass container and cover with boiling water. Remember: the mask should be thick in consistency. Therefore, add boiling water slowly.
  2. Pour a little olive oil and warm cream into the resulting mixture, which can be replaced with milk (for example, if you have oily skin).
  3. Mix thoroughly. On previously cleansed and prepared skin (do saline exfoliant - intermediate stage after cleansing, but before any mask) spread the composition in a thick layer. Pay your attention: the mask can be applied not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté area. The exposition is 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, simply wash off with water. Finish off with your favorite moisturizer.

Use the Scheherazade mask daily. The fact is that with irregular procedures, it will not bring the expected result. Do it 7-10 times and your skin will shine like fabulous beauties!


the beauty
