At the helm of fashion: modern celebrities, trendsetters

They catch newfangled ideas, trends earlier than others.

A new term has burst into our house from the covers of glossy magazines - trendsetters... Who are they? In the literal sense of the word, these are people who catch newfangled ideas, trends earlier than others. By their personal example, they introduce innovations into serial use. The fashion industry is growing thanks to the deliberate predictions of these successful, influential people. They serve as initiators and founders of new innovations in society.

Show business stars - who is at the helm of fashion

Few show business stars stand out among others for their particular perception of changes in the fashion world. Renowned designers are just awakening new ideas, and these famous women are already turning them into reality. In some cases, they shock people with their unique style. But very little time passes and new trends are perceived by people as the norm. Anyone who trusts their intuition can become a trendsetter, who sees a novelty earlier than others.

Victoria Beckham

A brilliant example of a trendsetter - Victoria Beckham... She is a gifted person, but her solo music career has not earned the buzz that she did as a designer. And all thanks to its unique creative style.

Victoria Beckham looks 2017

Victoria Beckham white blouse + pencil skirt

Kate moss

British actress and supermodel Kate moss for tens of years, it has been possible to retain the right of the trendsetter of the English style in the fashion world. She is a master of special combinations, skillfully combines modern and retro, prestigious and cheap, personalized and unknown things.

Kate Moss style icon of the 21st century

Kate Moss looks 2017


Singer Rihanna amazes everyone with her outfits and a complete change in her appearance. She confidently experiments with her clothes, periodically dyes her hair in different colors, makes new hairstyles. Taking Rihanna as a model, many girls have learned not to be afraid to express their originality, dissimilarity from others. Rihanna has managed to resurrect what seemed to be an example of lack of taste in the 90s - these are shiny and lacquer motifs.

Rihanna fashion look 2017 september

Rihanna look 2017 trendsetter

Sarah Jessica Parker

The actress has a refined taste in clothes, she is always impeccable, conservative. But her accessories are not without liberty. Think only of the incredible, mind-blowing hats and famous shoes from Manolo.

Sarah Jessica Parker still from the film and a modern image of the style icon

Sarah jessica parker

Imitating stellar outfits, hairstyles and makeup, we think about style, show everyone our belonging to the fashion world. However, remember that being a trendsetter is a special gift, a talent. Only your inherent taste creates a stylish image. See: their looks are inspiring, new style icons of the 21st century.


the beauty
