Face type and methods of its correction for three points of beauty

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Each girl tries to emphasize her beauty and enthusiastically corrects all the flaws, and an adult woman dreams of preserving her own beauty for many years. What should every woman know?

Three points of beauty for correction

There are three points of beauty on the face - eyebrows, cheeks and lips, which create a triangle of beauty.

Face type and methods of its correction.


The brows have three zones: start, tip, and bend point. Depending on the type and shape of the face, the bend point will be sharp or smooth, the beginning will be brighter than the tip and vice versa. The eyebrows are the active part of the face. Eyebrows give expression to the face long before a person opens his mouth, before a smile appears.


Cheeks are corrected with blush or powder tan. The blush line can be horizontal, brighter towards the center of the cheeks or towards the ears. For any correction with blush, you need to apply the funds to the earlobes, the mask effect is unacceptable.


The third point on the face is the lips. Depending on the type of face, the emphasis on the lips is placed either in the center of the lips or along the edges, thus pulling the lips slightly to the sides.

Face shapes

Conventionally, divide the face into three parts: frontal - from the beginning of hair growth to the bridge of the nose, including the eyebrows, middle - from the eyebrows to the bottom of the nose, and from the bottom of the nose to the chin.

Face types - oval

Consider the most common face shapes: oval, triangular, square and diamond-shaped.

Three-point facial correction

Look and identify the protruding part of the face. The reference face shape is oval, not elongated, but harmonious, where all three zones are of the same height, and the middle part protrudes slightly.


If the upper part of the face is wider, that is, the forehead is wider than the middle and lower zones, then your face type is triangular.

Triangular face correction

  • In this case, the correction will include toning with a darker shade of powder or foundation around the edges of the forehead to create an oval shape.
  • The beginning of the brows should be made more pronounced up to the point of bending, leave the rest of the brows lighter.
  • Apply lipstick with a brighter shade in the corners of the lips, and apply a lighter shade in the center.
  • Choose a hairstyle with bangs, the length of the hair is below the jawline, and, if desired, curl the curls from the face.


If all three zones on the face are of the same width and height, then a square type of face looks at you in reflection.

Square face

  • All styling options "ponytail" and haircut even smooth squares are excluded. Choose the length to the shoulders.
  • Put accents on the beginning of the eyebrows and on the center of the lips.
  • Apply lipstick to the lower lip brighterwithout focusing on the upper lip.
  • Eyes brighter than eyebrows should not be dyed.


The oriental type most often has a diamond-shaped face with pronounced cheekbones, a narrower forehead and a pointed chin.

Diamond-shaped face correction

  • Tint the face with blush from the ears to the cheeks with tan shades, and emphasize with a pink blush in the center of the cheeks.
  • Shape your face with brighter eyebrows with an emphasis on the beginning of the eyebrows, apply lipstick with an accent in the corners of the lips.
  • Focus on the eyes can become a visiting card of a person and emphasize his beauty.
  • When choosing a hairstyle, add volume to the top. Cascade-type haircuts, voluminous squares, curling curls inward are suitable.


The oval face shape is the most harmonious and a person can choose accents on any part of the beauty triangle, taking into account the fit of the eyes and their size.


the beauty
