Salt scrub: transforms the skin after one procedure

Cheap and effective!

Let's plunge into the world of beauty from the world of fashion! Today we will prepare a scrub based on activated carbon and sea salt. Masks, creams save the situation when we nourish, moisturize, fight pigmentation and other skin problems. But the salt exfoliant scrub for the body allows you to thoroughly cleanse, fights scars, stretch marks, cellulite ("orange peel"), skin irregularities and improves blood circulation.

Salt scrub

The composition includes activated charcoal, crushed sea salt and olive oil - the ingredients will make your skin very soft, smooth and velvety.

Salt Scrub Ingredients

  • sea ​​salt 100 gr;
  • 1 tbsp. spoonful of sugar
  • coconut oil - 40 grams, if not, add olive or castor oil;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of activated carbon powder;
  • essential oils (orange, grapefruit) - optional, for a wonderful aroma.

How to cook

In a medium bowl, mix sea salt, sugar, olive oil (pre-melt coconut), activated charcoal powder and five drops of essential oil for aroma.

How to use a salt scrub

  • Important. Prepare and use the salt scrub just before applying on the skin, otherwise the crystals will simply dissolve in the oil.
  • Apply the composition to clean skin in a circular motion. Rinse off with water. Finish off with a body cream.
  • The sea salt in the scrub improves the skin's micro-relief, cleanses the pores, makes it soft, taut and smooth. Olive oil penetrates the skin as deeply as possible, actively nourishes and moisturizes. And activated carbon will act as a detox - it will protect, neutralize, remove toxins and microbes.
  • The salt scrub can be applied as needed or 2-3 times a week to achieve perfectly delicate skin.

  • Note: It is not recommended to use the scrub on the face. The aggressive action of coarse sea salt can negatively affect sensitive, problematic, irritated skin.


the beauty
