Five fashion trends that annoy men

What trends annoy him? Tonight promises to be wonderful: your loved one has invited you for a romantic dinner at an expensive restaurant. You want to look gorgeous, of course. After all, when you walk through the hall, then all the men should stop admiring glances at you, and yours should generally fall from the chair with delight and stunning beauty.

5 fashion trends men don't like

In the desire to become the star of the evening, you reviewed all the current news, magazines, the latest fashion shows and are aware of everything that is now at the peak of popularity. Therefore, use the entire arsenal you know - hair should be voluminous, color relevant, eyes expressive, lips seductive, stylish accessories, fashionable dress, high heels. Wait.

It is likely that by inheriting fashion trends, you will get the opposite result, on the contrary. After all, men are not interested in seasonal novelties and on a date they do not assess your knowledge of fashion at all.

Here are the top trends that men absolutely do not like.

1. Fleece

So, voluminous hair looks luxurious. But fleece is always a mess, a large amount of varnish and other fixing agents. Men don't like what is unpleasant to the touch. If he wants to run his hand through your silky hair, but instead his hand sticks, it will make a repulsive impression. Thus, you will turn your advantage into a disadvantage.


2. Curly arrows

You've seen these incredible and fancy geometric and layered arrows. It looks appropriate only on the catwalk or when creating an image for a photo shoot, but not in real life. If you want to add expression to the eyes, then an adequately wide, neat and curved frog is acceptable, but without any hooks or fancy curls.

Bright curly arrows

3. Topical silver

We know that ash blond is in trend this season. Unfortunately, polls have shown that the majority speak of him extremely negatively. The stronger sex perceives this exclusively as inappropriate gray hair of his chosen one. This color, perhaps, is suitable only for sophisticated older women who, despite their age, continue to look really impressive and elegant.

Silver gray blond

4. Lightened eyebrows

Models with lightened eyebrows were popular at the current shows. So, combined with the perfect face tone, bright lipstick and light fantasy fairy eyes, it looked spectacular. But you are unlikely to achieve the same effect. Seeing you with such eyebrows, the beloved will most likely exclaim in despair: "Where did they go?"

Lightened eyebrows and bright arrows

5. O-silhouette dress

Most of all, they dislike O-shaped dresses. Rounded dresses without a waist are associated only with pregnancy. The lack of slim, seductive curves does not appeal to most men. It is a fact.

O-line dress

Fashion is fashion, but you should always observe a sense of proportion and distinguish the runway image from the real one. Therefore, when choosing a hairstyle, for example, try to make it look harmonious and only emphasize your advantages and advantageous sides, and not become the "star of the evening" by itself separately from you.

Always follow one simple rule: men like to think that your beauty is natural, and then you will definitely not go wrong.


the beauty
