Half-bunch hun breaks all records for popularity on the Web

Fashionable simple hairstyle available to everyone!

Here's an unexpected twist: the halt bun half-bun has become a real hit (trend) this summer. Flirty, as if put together in a hurry, he is great for a date and going out. In addition, it makes the image fresh and youthful, as noted by hair stylists.

How to do the popular hun hairstyle?

Spray on dry hair? from root to tip? volume spray - so the hair will become denser, the bun will not bloom and will not lose its shape. Then, having gathered some of the hair at the crown, tie a ponytail. Wrap it around the elastic and secure the resulting knot with pins.

Halt bun

Halt bun hairstyle examples

Two bundles


Half bun, simple hairstyle for hair

On long hair

halt bun

Don't be afraid to try different options and combine a stylish hun bun with accessories.

Half bun



How? Haven't you read it yet?

  1. Tips to style your hair in three minutes.
  2. Stylish haircuts for curly hair, focusing on Rihanna.


the beauty
