No plastics: the latest procedure that transforms a woman

1 treatment that will transform your appearance.

Plasmolifting is the latest procedure in modern cosmetology that improves the appearance. This procedure is used for age-related skin changes, for rejuvenation. For getting rid of acne and post-acne, as well as cellulite and hair loss treatment.

About the plasmolifting procedure


A feature of the procedure is that when it is carried out, a person is taken from his own blood - plasma is obtained from the patient's own blood. After that, the test tube is placed in a centrifuge, in which the blood is separated into fractions. Platelet-rich plasma is injected under the client's skin up to three millimeters deep. Before that, for a week, you must refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages.

Plasmolifting - what to expect

What to expect?

Doctors assure that the procedure has a positive effect on the skin: collagen, elastin, coenzyme Q10, hyaluronic acid and other substances necessary for the skin are produced. The advantage is that this technique is completely natural and does not cause allergies. Patients can become younger without having to undergo plastic surgery.

How much to do?

Usually required from 3 to 6 procedures with an interval of 2-3 weeks. The procedure also effectively helps people with oily skin or acne.

Not recommended

However, plasma lifting is not recommended if a person has infectious diseases, weak immunity, diabetes mellitus, HIV or a blood clotting disorder. Also, it should not be used by women during pregnancy and lactation. An effective result can be obtained by doing at least three sessions at short intervals. Therefore, you should not expect miracles, limiting yourself to one time.

Where else is plasmolifting used?

  • This technique is often used for hair, which helps to increase hair growth, eliminate baldness, strengthen hair cuticles, and prevent seborrhea and oiliness.
  • Plasmolifting actively helps in the treatment of joints, arthrosis and arthritis, besides, it restores capillaries. In dentistry, they often turn to plasmolifting for bone tissue regeneration, for strengthening dentures and bleeding gums.
  • In addition, plasma lifting is widely used in gynecology, neurology, orthopedics and traumatology.

After completing the procedure, it is advisable to abandon decorative cosmetics, walking in the sun, going to the bathhouse or sauna, avoiding wind and cold, as this can lead to negative consequences. As for the cost of flame-lifting, it should be noted that this is a rather expensive therapy. One course can cost up to 40,000 rubles.


the beauty
