Strobing: a new trend in hair coloring, examples

This trend has rapidly entered our lives!

It would seem that enough techniques and fashion trends have already been invented in hair dyeing. However, a new trend in dyeing - strobing hair, allows, first of all, to work with the personality and natural beauty of a girl.

Strobing - how the natural effect is achieved, examples

Hair strobing

This is done by arranging a color nuance (hair-design). Let's just say, if you are pursuing the goal of emphasizing the eyes, it is enough to lighten the ends of the bangs or the area opposite the eyes. And outline the cheekbones and chin (when face correction is required) will help a neat lightening of the hair in the lower part of the face. For example, in a haircut, a cascade, a ladder or a square for lengthening.

Hair strobing light nuances, highlights

This means that the color - the lightening is placed specifically on certain areas of the hair, where the light will fall.

Strobing eyes

Light highlights are clearly visible in daylight, highlighting the part of the face that you would like to emphasize.

Strobing on light hair texture

Strobing on dark hair

It should be noted right away that this is, first of all, the salon technique for transforming the appearance. It requires courage and creativity from the master. And the result should be as natural as possible for the client. Strobing is performed on light and dark hair.

Hair strobing new trend blonde hair

What makes you happy? The strobing technique makes it easy to experiment with the shade, refresh the image and does not require a radical change in hair color. What is important when you do not want to radically change the color. You can maintain the strobing effect at home with styling products.

See also: voyage according to the luxury trend balayage, examples of staining.


the beauty
