Gentle, neat wrinkle-free hands: effective home care

Let nothing betray your age!

One of the most important indicators of a woman to her body and body is the appearance of her hands. Gentle, tidy, wrinkle-free hands can be obtained in several ways:

  • Do not contact with detergents, cleaning agents, do not cook, do not stay in frost or sun without protective equipment and lubricate your hands with creams several times a day. Agree, not a very good option for a modern woman.
  • Perform all housework and other duties, but perform hand beauty treatments at regular intervals.

The second option, more suitable for every modern woman, because these procedures can be done both in the salon and independently. Homemade cosmetics will help improve the condition of the skin of the hands, rejuvenate it and make it soft and tender.

Gentle hands without wrinkles home care

Comprehensive hand care

You will receive beautiful and delicate hands only with an integrated approach. To do this, in addition to the daily use of hand cream, you will need to do baths, peeling and a hand mask. The procedures are done on different days during the week. Also, choose the right manicure color that makes your hands look younger. See examples here.

Home cosmetics: hand care

Revitalizing hand treatments

Revitalizing hand treatments

Milk and honey bath for hands

To prepare it, take:

  • Liquid honey - a teaspoon.
  • Essential oil of your choice - 4 drops.
  • Milk - one glass.
  • Purified water - one glass.

Warm water and milk until warm, mix all the components of the bath and dip your hands for 15-20 minutes.

Orange Pepper Mask

For this mask you will need: orange pulp, sesame oil 10 g, a pinch of ground chili. Mix and apply the mask to your hands. Hold on. After 10-15 minutes, wash with cold water, apply extra. care - almond oil or nourishing cream.

Anti-aging treatments for hands

Anti-aging hand care

Paraffin bath

For her, you need to take cosmetic paraffin, melt it in a water bath. When the temperature is comfortable, dip your hands in paraffin wax and hold them there for about half an hour. Such a procedure will help the skin to tighten, make the hands soft and tender.

Peeling from sea salt and tea tree

To create this peel, mix equal amounts of sea salt and coconut oil. Add a few drops of tea tree essential oil. Spread the composition on your hands, massage, including your fingers.

Egg rejuvenating mask

To create this mask, take the yolk of a chicken egg, preferably homemade, a few drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil. Mix everything until smooth and spread over prepared hand skin. Let it sit for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Fresh parsley (for age spots)

Mask against age spots on the hands

Finely chop 1 bunch of parsley, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, add fresh lemon juice. The infusion should be used in the morning or in the evening, lowering your hands into it. This procedure can be performed on an ongoing basis.

Complex for relieving hand fatigue

Removing fatigue from hands

Bath of dry mint leaves

Pour mint leaves (about 20 pieces) with one glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for 30 minutes, then dip your hands in the infusion and hold for about half an hour.

Sugar peeling with soda

Take 50 gr. sugar, 15 gr. any vegetable oil and a little soda.Mix everything, apply to hands and massage.

Apple hand mask

  • Take a green apple, peel it and grate it.
  • Add 30 ml olive oil, petroleum jelly (a teaspoon) and camphor oil (1 drop) to the apple.
  • Apply to hands, wait about 10 minutes, and rinse.

After the procedure, moisturize your hands with a cream. Good luck to everyone and beautiful, attractive skin.


the beauty
