Liquid gold: benefits and how to use argan oil?

A useful Moroccan treasure!

Argan oil made a splash a few years ago. It is rightfully called "liquid gold", it is softer than silk!

Benefits, True Values ​​of Cold Pressed Argan Oil

Argania oils are especially useful when cold pressed (by hand). Due to the effective natural combination of beneficial ingredients in the composition, it is successfully used in cosmetology and medicine.

Interestingly. Argan oil is also suitable as an original addition to sauces and fresh salads. But the locals just eat sweet amlu pasta with bread, pancakes, it has a golden honey hue and a nutty taste.

argan oil for health

The argan tree of life is one of the oldest in the world - the thorny but healthy Argania spinosa tree. From its ripe fruits, oil is produced - liquid gold. The high air temperature that prevails in Morocco allows the fruits to ripen quickly. From 30 kg of Argania spinosa fruit, about one liter of oil can be obtained.

The beneficial effects of argan oil when taken internally and externally

Precious oil contains: omega fats, sterols, antioxidants, organic and fatty acids, vitamin E - smoothes, restores tired mature skin, is indispensable in the fight for youth.

Due to its unique rich composition, the oil has a high therapeutic effect when taken orally. One tablespoon a day is enough to feel all the power.


  • 1. Reduces the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines, maintains its required level.
  • 2. Prevents prostate cancer.
  • 3. Stabilizes blood sugar.
  • 4. Strengthens the immune system.
  • 5. Improves blood circulation.
  • 6. An excellent component of the diet, as it provides the body with unsaturated fatty acids.

Traditionally, however, argan oil is used topically. This led to its widespread use in cosmetics and medicine.

  • - used in the treatment of cracks, burns, eczema, psoriasis;
  • - protects the skin from harsh weather conditions, UV rays;
  • - intensively moisturizes dehydrated skin;
  • - recommended for body care, brittle hair, eyelashes, nails.

A simple technique for using argan for cosmetic purposes

Argan oil for face, hair and aphids
The oil is quickly absorbed and can be used directly on the skin, hair, nails. Regular use of the oil smoothes fine and deep wrinkles, improves complexion and hair structure.

A good help in hair care will be body massage (for stretch marks, with sunburn) and head massage using argan oil. By improving the blood circulation in the scalp, the nutrition of the hair follicle is increased, and the growth of new hairs and gradual thickening of the existing ones can be expected.

Argania can be used in its pure form instead of lotion, face cream, as well as add a few drops to daily cosmetics for body care, hair, eyelashes.

A pleasant bonus is the most delicate velvety texture of the oil, does not leave marks and oily sheen, universal in matters of youth and beauty. Impressive, isn't it? We recommend: do not rush to do botox, cream oil (with argan) around the eyes will smooth out even the deepest wrinkles.


the beauty
