Lady elegance: Kate Middleton's style secrets

Fragile, slim, stylish!

Her wardrobe remains the most elegant, and her style is very calm, democratic and discussed over the years. Despite all the rumors and gossip, every year this girl is on the list of the most stylish persons... And all of this is Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge and mother of three.

Kate Middleton at the wedding

Kate was nicknamed one of the most thrifty women in Great Britain, but despite this, every European fashionista tries to repeat her outfits. By royal standards, her dresses cost almost nothing, but the way she knows how to present them gives her the right to be one of the most stylish duchesses of her time. Now Catherine has given birth to her third child (Prince Louis), and many elements of her modern outfits are already familiar to the vigilant paparazzi. Some things manage to stay in her royal wardrobe for several years.

Kate in a yellow dress
Dolce & Gabbana Dress

Selects quality, not chasing trends

Catherine does not buy clothes that are too expensive, but she never skimps on shoes. All of her original shoes come straight from the "mid-range" price class. The Duchess prefers well-known quality footwear firms, time-tested. Of course, Kate's collection of boats is simply huge, not just beige. But each pair can be safely called universal.

Kate Middleton style

Middleton loves to support small British brands to develop them further. True, the duchess prefers to buy jeans from the famous Spanish company Zara.

Barbour Classic Jacket
Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge

She skillfully combines simple basic things with diamonds, and an expensive dress can be decorated with an exquisite brooch, traditionally focuses on hats and miniature handbags.

Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge - emphasis on hats

Selects the middle price segment

But why does Katherine look so chic in seemingly completely inexpensive clothes? The whole secret - after shopping, clothes are adjusted according to the figure and height. It is also known that the Duchess purchases outfits from young designers. They are a kind of bridge between the mass market and expensive products (luxury).

Kate Middleton in a red deuce suit

Favorite shops

While Middleton loves Zara and Marks & Spencer, she never goes into a long line and a crowd of shopaholics. In this case, she will not only spend all her strength, but she may also not find the right outfit. For Kate, calm and quiet shops are preferable. Of course, the Duchess easily buys clothes not only in the mass market, but also from famous brands, for example, Alexander McQueen, Hobbs and others.

Kate in a classic dress

Proper care of clothes

Do not forget about proper clothing care. The outfits of the Duchess of Cambridge are regularly sent to the dry cleaning, and they are stored in covers. Therefore, after such a surprise, her "long-lived dresses" is not even worth it.

Kate Middleton - style icon


the beauty
