Ammonia-free paint: can it heal hair?

Let's figure it out.

Hair dye treatment, let's figure it out ... In the minds of a modern girl, there is an opinion that any hair dye is dangerous. Of course, there is some truth in this statement, because in fact, any means of beauty in one way or another can contain danger. However, a few years ago, hairdressers began to offer ladies a new service. We are talking about dyeing hair with dye without ammonia, which can restore hair.

Is it true?

Ammonia-free dye can heal hair?

  • First, you shouldn't take everything so literally. Any girl should understand that if we are talking about severely damaged hair, which, for example, has been incorrectly dyed for five years, dried with hot air, suffered from "self-medication", they have not been properly cared for, then they can hardly be restored. However, ammonia-free paint can help in less anxious situations.
  • Secondly, dye without ammonia is a product based on organic oils, caring components, as a rule, it protects hair from UV rays, eliminates the possibility of overdrying the hair. It is thanks to these benefits that the hair gains shine and gradually heals. It is no coincidence that such paint will not be able to help a lady radically change her image.

In other words, with its help, you can only paint a few tones darker, or tone on tone and tone lighter than the natural color. Accordingly, the composition of the dye has a positive effect on the hair, which makes it useful in a sense. Read also: 3 cool hair coloring trends - for redheads, blondes, brunettes.


the beauty
