After the persecutions and exterminations that red-haired people have undergone in the entire history of mankind, modernity is probably compensating for this, with the fashion for this life-affirming bright color, which has not passed for many seasons.
In addition, red hair color, from blaurange (delicate orange) to fiery copper, suits a warm color type. With a competent approach, it is still necessary to take into account eye color, skin tone, hair structure.
The popularity of red shades
The popularity of this color is determined, apparently, by an outstanding past. Modern women want to feel more daring, strong-willed, passionate. Some, with red hair, proudly call themselves witches and rebels. And this is quite true, given that it was women with similar qualities that the Inquisition burned at the stake.
How abruptly the time has changed the attitude towards sunny people. Although, natural redheads still feel the echo of the distant past. In adulthood, they are individuals to whom the attention of society is especially heightened, and in childhood they are under pressure from peers.
But the fashion world loves this type.
Take, for example, such popular models as sophisticated Karen Elson, covered with gilded freckles Cynthia Dicker, Lily Cole, who has a doll-like appearance.
![Karen elsson](
The world of music and cinema is also not inferior in addiction to red-haired divas, both natural and dyed in this frantic color: Marcia Cross, Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore, Lindsay Lohan, Tilda Sweaton, Milen Farmer, Kutepova sisters, Agrippina Steklova, Anastasia Stotskaya and Marilyn Kerro ...
![Julianne moore](
Which redhead will suit a specific appearance
It is very difficult to independently determine which redhead will suit the appearance, even relying on knowledge gleaned from glossy magazines and the Internet. This is a purely individual task. And only a professional can advise the shade.
But if there is excitement and there is no fear of experimenting, then it is advisable to do this before forty years. A flamboyant unnatural or inappropriate redhead can ruin any attractive face and add age visuallyhowever, like any other inappropriate shade of hair.
![Mylene farmer](
If you have never dyed your hair in a rich red, but you want to try it, then it is not necessary to dye your hair with a persistent dye. First, try to give a fiery color using a special. tint products, it is so easy to understand how the new image suits the face. Coloring sprays will easily take light and dark hair, washed off with regular shampoo.
In any case, when staining, you should rely on your natural data (skin and eye color), then the choice will become immediately obvious. So the color type
spring and autumn are suitable for warm shades of red (golden, honey), but the type of winter and summer are colder, saturated. Look a table by type of appearance and suitable shade of hair here.
But, in essence, as Natalia Podolskaya aptly defined, red is not so much a hair color as a character trait. See also: stars to whom copper hair color adds brightness and sexuality.