Natural makeup: how to choose lipstick based on eye and hair color?

How to choose the perfect lipstick for natural makeup?

Nowadays it is not so easy to meet a woman who would not wear light and natural makeup on her face. It is completely simple in its execution, however, the woman literally transforms at the same time, without turning into a decorated doll. Lipstick plays an important role in natural makeup, as often women want to put a little emphasis on their lips. How do you choose it?

Choosing a lipstick for natural makeup

The color of any lipstick, regardless of the purpose of the makeup, depends on the following:

  • 1. Lip shape and size.
  • 2. The age of the woman.
  • 3. Skin condition (eg, age spots or wrinkles around the mouth).
  • 4. Color of skin, hair, eyes and eyebrows.

It is worth remembering right away that the shade of lipstick should be darker than the natural color of the lips, but not more than one tone. It is not always possible to use this particular cosmetic, so some women prefer to use lip gloss (which also looks quite natural).

An example of natural makeup

The choice of lipstick depending on the color of the eyes and hair

  • Brunettes can choose a slightly more saturated lipstick color, as this contrast is perfect for their appearance.
  • The same rule can be followed by women with brown and red hair - give preference to coffee and caramel tones.
  • Blondes and fair-haired people can choose something from less bright, but expressive and delicate shades, for example - peach, pale pink color.

Blonde - choosing lipstick

  • Cold tones of lipsticks will suit those whom nature has awarded with snow-white skin and eyes of blue, blue, green and gray.
  • Warm beige and brown shades are intended for owners of golden skin and brown eyes.
  • There are also neutral lipstick shades that go well in all cases. They are ideal for those with natural beige skin.

Natural makeup

A very common makeup solution is nude lipstick. It is rich in various shades that differ from each other in the warmth of its tone, its lightness and saturation. Therefore, every woman who wants to use natural makeup can turn to nude lipstick colors. But how to choose it - about amazing way, read here.


the beauty
