How to care for hair that looks untidy on the second day

6 proven grooming principles.

Determine exactly what you have oily hair, the following signs will help:

  • The day after you wash your hair, the hair roots become oily;
  • Curls practically do not electrify;
  • Clean hair lacks volume;
  • Hair ends do not split.

How to care for oily hair

If you have all these "symptoms", then you need to heed the advice of experts.

1. Wash your hair with a shampoo marked "balancing" or "regulating"

They contain zinc and clay. Avoid shampoos designed for oily hair, they dry out the scalp and after a while the sebaceous glands are activated, which aggravates the problem. The ideal option is a transparent shampoo, it contains a minimum of additives that make the strands heavier.

2. Wash your hair in the morning

In the first half of the day, excess sebaceous secretion is washed out better, and the hair stays tidy longer.

Washing head

3. Use dry shampoo only in case of emergency.

It quickly settles on the hair, mixing with dust and sebum, which contaminates the hair.

4. Put leave-in care products aside.

This is especially true for oil-based cosmetics. Give preference to serums and masks that contain clay. Such funds normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.

5. Exfoliate your scalp regularly

To prepare peeling yourself, you will need to dilute a little jojoba oil in a tablespoon of sea salt. You need to carry out the procedure once a week. You can add a simple baking soda for hair care, the result will definitely surprise you!

6. "Hot" styling activates the production of sebum

For owners of oily hair, curling, straightening and frequent use of a hair dryer are not suitable. Try to limit their use and dry your hair naturally.


Read on the topic: dangerous why hair balms cannot be used all the time.


the beauty
