How to choose the right manicure: 5 important nuances

What you should pay attention to.

Every modern woman strives to make her image as harmonious and attractive as possible. Everything is used: clothes, shoes, a bag, and even a manicure. But do not forget that in the application of each of the above elements of the image, there are nuances. Including for manicure. First of all, it is worth answering two questions.

How to choose a beautiful manicure

What is a manicure for? For whom is this manicure done?

When answering the first question, do not forget that there are professions in which long nails or bright varnish are not welcome, for example, medical ones. And when answering the second question, you just need to decide: a manicure is done for yourself or for your beloved man (they also pay attention to the color and shape of women's nails).

Men like manicure

Representatives of the opposite sex prefer pastel colors or red shades. As for the shape of the nails, men prefer their nails to look as natural as possible. In addition to this, you should decide on the shape of the nails and the color of the varnish.

Solid color manicure with fine sparkles

We take into account the shape of the nails

  • You should pay attention to the shape of the nail bed and the size of the nail plate - the shape of the nails should correspond to the shape of the nail bed (but the oval is considered universal).

Who is an oval manicure suitable for?

  • The length of the fingers and the shape of the hand should also be considered. For example, with short, thick toes, long nails will look much better than long, narrow ones.

Who are long nails suitable for?

  • Growth also plays an important role in choosing the shape of the nails: very long nails will not suit a miniature girl.

Choosing the length of the nails

We take into account the color of the varnish

In this case, the color of the skin and clothing should be taken into account. The color of the varnish should correspond to the skin tone, for example, for women, with a yellowish or darkish skin tone, a varnish of warm colors, for example, orange, brown, cream, Mocha, is more suitable.

What color of manicure is suitable

And vice versa - for women with paler skin, cool colors are suitable, for example, burgundy, pink, blue and others. Nude shades and achromatic colors are suitable for all women, without exception.

Burgundy manicure what suits

In the case of clothing, the rule that everything should be in tune does not work. In this case, the nails will simply not be visible. It is better to choose a color to match the jewelry or a tone lighter or darker than clothing. And if there are drawings or ornaments on the clothes, then the color of the nails should be monochromatic.

How to choose the right manicure

And vice versa - you can choose a pattern, rhinestones or sequins for plain clothes. Only, most importantly, do not overdo it. By the way, the jacket suits almost any color of clothes.

Universal jacket

We take into account the character

And finally: character, at first glance, has no obvious relationship with manicure. But, for those who often change their looks, the most common nail polish is suitable, since it can be worn for a maximum of a week. Those, whose image is more or less permanent, can use gel polish, which can be worn calmly for up to three weeks.

How to choose a manicure by color

For a modern woman, manicure is another way to emphasize her image, style, and how much this image will be harmonious depends only on her.


the beauty
